I decided that it is time to write a blog on alcohol. You always need to think before you drink and if you are underage, then you have no business even drinking in the first place. Sorry to sound so blunt, but that rule is there for a reason. So many people die from drunk driving and so many families are ruined from alcoholic parents, so now, it is time to come out with the truth and look at 10 facts about alcohol that you need to know…
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10. Alcohol Can Cause Not Only Short-term Effects, but Long-term Effects as Well
Photo Credit: Ben Heine
If you drink so much to the point that you are an alcoholic and cannot do without “a cold one” in your hand, then you will see those effects taking place soon. Your liver will have problems because you drink so much and you will also cause problems for those people who are around you – most of which you love very much.
9. Even the Smallest Drop of Alcohol Can Impair Your Judgment
Photo Credit: Now and Here
Did you know this? Some people only have a couple of drinks, then get behind the wheel of their car. Even the smallest drop of alcohol can impair the judgment that is required while driving a car. So remember, don’t drink and drive, even if it is just a drop.
8. Do Not Consume Alcohol with Certain Medications
Photo Credit: 202
For example, if you consume alcohol with blood pressure pills, there could be some serious side effects. It is important to follow the instructions on your prescription medication. If it says not to drink alcohol while you are taking them, then it is best to follow those instructions.
7. Women Absorb the Alcohol in Their Bloodstream Faster than a Man Does
Photo Credit: risemeagain©
Did you know this? Not only that, but they also metabolize it slower than a man does. This is why women get “wasted” quicker than a man does.
6. More Women Die of Cirrhosis than Men
Photo Credit: travismanley
Did you know that research has shown that more alcoholic women die of cirrhosis than men who are alcoholics do? Therefore, you may want to think twice before you continue drinking. Cirrhosis is nothing to play around with.
5. What Can 2 to 3 Drinks do?
Photo Credit: archidave
Did you know that a loss of motor coordination can take place for up to twelve to eighteen hours after one drinks? That is with only drinking two to three drinks. So, you may want to think twice before you drink a day before work or a ball game.
4. Alcohol Consumption in College Students
Photo Credit: The Missing Graph
Did you know that 1,400 deaths and 500,000 unintentional injuries each year are caused by college students who drink alcohol? So, you may want to go to college to learn and do good in life and not cause yourself to start going downhill by becoming a drinker.
3. 8 Percent of Trips to the Emergency Room Are Alcohol-related
Photo Credit: Ben Harris-Roxas
Each year, eight percent of the trips to the emergency room for injuries or illness are alcohol-related. Sure, it’s only eight percent, but if you think about it, that is a lot of people who are going to the ER because of something alcohol caused – something that could have been avoided.
2. A Date Rape Drug?
Someone once told me that alcohol was the number one date rape drug. I didn’t believe them one hundred percent, until I looked it up. Yes, alcohol is a big date rape drug. So, I’m going to put it like it is – if you do not want to be raped, DO NOT drink alcohol!
1. Depression and Alcohol
Photo Credit: Michael Hunter
Why is it that whenever someone is depressed, they go to alcohol? It’s a depressant. Do you know what this means? This means that drinking alcohol is only going to make that depression worse.
Yes, my points are blunt and I am not going to sugarcoat anything for alcoholics. They are what they are. They have made themselves who they are and many don’t seem to even want to be helped. Before you pick up that first beer, first bottle of whiskey or first bottle of Rum, realize that this could be your first step to being an alcoholic. Are you really ready to take those chances?
Top Photo Credit: mugley
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