7 Etiquette Rules I Wish People Would Follow ...


My grandmother is always saying how rude people are these days, and how much more polite they were when she was young. I always wrote her complaining off as old-lady grouchiness, until I realized she was right — we’re so rude to each other! We’ve completely forgotten etiquette and good manners. Gramma is right (though she is still grouchy). Here are 8 etiquette rules I wish people would follow.

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Please and Thank You

This is one of the bits of etiquette we learn first, practically before we can even speak, so why do we stop using it so soon? It’s simple. When you’re asking for something, say please. When you get it, say thank you. It’s so easy, and so important, but so few people still use this set of manners.


No Cuts!

When we’re little, we also learn how to stand in a queue, but at what age do we forget, or stop caring? When does it become acceptable to just ignore etiquette and cut in line?



I know that in some cultures and places, tipping isn’t widely practiced, but here in the States, in EVERY state, we’re supposed to tip certain service providers if they wow us with their service skills and attitudes. So why don’t people tip, or, almost worse, tip appropriately?


Excuse Me!

I can’t count how many times I’ve been elbowed, stepped on, and shoved with absolutely no indication of regret from the offending elbow, foot, or shoulder (or the person it’s attached to). How hard is it to say “excuse me” when you physically offend someone?


Belly Rubs

During both of my pregnancies, I suffered through countless unprovoked belly rubs (not to mention bits of advice). I didn’t mind, but I’m a touchy-feely person. I can understand, though, how disconcerting or rude it may seem to other women… so take note! It’s always polite to ask a pregnant woman BEFORE you touch her belly.


Grabby Sam

As a night-club loving girl, I was pinched, poked, and rubbed on by strangers more times than I care to count… not only is it gross and weird, it’s also rude! This doesn’t just apply to men, either, ladies. Don’t grab, fondle, grope, etc. My grandmother tells me this didn’t use to be such an issue, but I’ve seen movies from the era, and I know it happened, then, too. Also, this could apply to grabbing things away from people, which we also know is rude.


Phone Calls

It seems like everyone has a cell phone now… but we’ve all forgotten how to use our phone etiquette. When you answer a phone, say “hello.” Before you hang up, say “goodbye.” Make sure your outgoing voice message is at least somewhat professional, or at least not offensive. Again, we learned a lot of this phone etiquette when we were children, so maybe we just need to be reminded again.

Those are only a handful of the rules of etiquette I wish people would follow, but there are so many more. I’m certainly not perfect, and am always surprised at how often I forget my basic manners… shame on me! Which of these manners do you wish people would follow? Or is there another rule of etiquette you hate that people have forgotten (like people wearing headphones all the time)?

Top Photo Credit: GreggBK

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Punctuality is another thing we should practice. It is wastage of time to wait for someone who is not punctual. Keeping promises, saying sorry are others.

When it comes to tipping I have a different take than most people I know. I do not like how it is expected here. I think tipping should be optional. If the person does a good job then tip them. If not, you shouldn't have to and it shouldn't be considered taboo. I have had a lot of bad service at restaurants and I will always tip at least a little but I don't like it. They did not do their job so why should I reward them for doing a bad job? However, if they do a good job I tip them appropriately.

You wouldn't touch a woman's belly if she wasn't pregnant, so why do people think it's ok when she is? Aside from the issue of invading personal space, I imagine it could be physically uncomfortable for some women.

I 110% agree with the previous comment about punctuality! Being late and not apologizing for it is just plain disrespectful no matter who the person waiting is. I especially loathe it when people want me to accept constant lateness as part of their personality... So you like being seen as self-centered, rude and inconsiderate? Its a major pet peeve of mine! I also want to add that I totally agree with the 'excuse me' one (#4), I also think that it can go the other way around in some situations. What I mean is, its rude to stand in someone's way without moving. I can't stand people standing in the middle of hallways, doorways or other narrow spaces without any awareness of people needing to pass by. If you find yourself being constantly bumped into without apology, look around! Its possible you're the one being rude by blocking the way!

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