5 Things to Make You Laugh Today ...


5 Things to Make You Laugh Today ...
5 Things to Make You Laugh Today ...

Lindsay Tells You to Stay Away from Drugs

There definitely is something ridiculously strange about getting drug advice from the La Lohan. What's even funnier is that this "advice" was a retweetof what Samantha Ronson said.

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Another Day, Another Brangelina Rumor

This time, it's about the actress asking Brad to move out because of his excessive Tequila drinking. Seriously, these tabloids gotta stop.


Would You Rather

Accidentally sex text your dad or do the walk of shame past your professor? Either of the situations sounds hilarious, really.

Frequently asked questions


Paul is Excited

Check this post for an old photo of Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and some ladies. It's making me giggle thinking what was going on in Paul's mind.


Spencer Pratt is Not Happy with the Jersey Shore Kids

Poor Spencer. Now that MTV has found another douche in The Situation, he's been feeling a little left out. The ticking of his nearly over 15 minutes must be getting louder and louder.
Top Image by **Tambako the Jaguar**

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

You know lots of people don't practice what they preach, which makes the situation that much funnier.

Lindsey, girl you are crazy....as always :)))))

It was like when Paris said something about how she hates skinny women (or something like that). Loll! Right...

I'm glad I'm seeing this today because work is off to a bad start and I'm taking a 1 minute break (it's okay I get no lunch for an 10+ hour day blah). Good laughs! And LMAO at the dad and professor one....soooooooooo embarrassing AHH and eww @spencer pratt the brat. he disgusts me. but that was funny :)

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