Why Asian Dating Sites Are Becoming so Popular on the Internet?


Why Asian Dating Sites Are Becoming so Popular on the Internet?
Why Asian Dating Sites Are Becoming so Popular on the Internet?

When women from Southeast Asia join popular dating site like myasianrose.com or asiangf.net, the main reason is that they want to get out of their country to get a better life.

Unfortunately all the Southeast Asian countries have a weak economy and there’s less hope for those women to expect improving their everyday living. A long period of recession, high unemployment, and inflation ultimately, has made their living more hard. Like every human on this earth, they expect also to get prosperity and a decent, healthy world for their children.

That’s why those Southeast Asian women prefer to marry wealthy foreign man from rich western countries like America, Europe, Canada and Australia, rather than marrying a local man. They all have in mind that marrying a foreigner will make their life to change for the better. This kind of thinking is a matter of survival for them, because they did not choose to be born in a poor Asian country like Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia or Indonesia.

There is nothing bad for an Asian woman to choose foreign man that will give her security and future. It doesn’t mean that there’s no love at the end of the road.

After all, who can say that love isn’t sweeter when you have plenty of food in the fridge, your kids in a decent school with decent clothes, and that every new day is happy day to spend with a nice husband.

Dating article written by Thalia Gomez - Social researcher & publisher
Photo by **swanky**

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This "maybe" be true to some but not true to the rest of the asian women because there are some women in these developing countries who are well educated, have better lives and not even willing to leave their own countries but just prefer to meet someone who they can connect with and as the relationship grows....they date online. Please note that if these asian women will only marry a foreigner just to make a better life, this is the hardest thing to do because they will only be mistreated by their foreign husbands. Marriage should always come from love and hopefully when these asian ladies meet western men, they should lengthen their online relationships, do not be in a hurry to marry, do not accept gifts easily without any occasion or reason but rather focus on what kind of men they were dating online because there are also couples who were happy from their (western/eastern) online relationships.

How did this article become published? (This is so one sided and narrow) The person who write it should open her eyes that there are better life in Asia as well. It is not all about money, especially for women. I am Indonesian, living in London, because I met European husband when I studied here. I would not have said "yes" to date him if he had not said he would consider going back to live in Indonesia, if things work out. Then finally we got married cause apparently we do belong to each other. And to tell you the truth, I have been dying to go back home. I never enjoy living here. To study and have adventures, yes. But now that I have been living here for 7 years. I am desperate to go home to Indonesia. The only reason I stay here is because I love my husband and respect his decision to live here for now. With a possibility to move back home when opportunity comes.

This is article is garbage. It is so biased and untrue that it makes me wonder about the author's integrity. The way the article was written sounds like a bitter jealous person. I'm into economics and history. I can tell you for a FACT that there are some Asian countries with good economies and a great life style; like Japan, Taiwan, South Korea. The "PEOPLE" in those countries have freedoms and access to life just like us Americans. I've met a good number of citizens from Japan who say that they enjoy visiting America, but they want to live in their own country. The author of this article should grow up, open their mind and travel abroad. Then the writer should make friends while abroad. It will expand their narrow view.

Outside of SE Asia, in counrtries like the People's Republic of China; such a mentality among women linger about especially in the more rural places. With an indefeintely growing number of female college graduates, it is difficult to justify such a mentality. Granted a greater wealth gap, less accomodating government (ironically), and a lack of freedom of information exacerbates the issue; but all of it is no excuse for using your education to seek out the truth (in a nation of lingering censorship) and pushing for a better world for yourself and your compatriots.

All dating sites seem to be growing at an incredible rate. They are taking over!

Found this post on google, kind of an old thread. I totally agree with you, that's the reason I *THINK* asian girls that join those dating sites are also. BUT, i said I *THINK*. who knows

I think this article is propoganda. It is not truely accurate. Some women might want a "better life" but there are countries like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea that have pretty good economies. So the women there are not "eager" to just leave. Who ever wrote this should take a better look at a much bigger picture. Not all these countries and their women are eager to get there. Also, some men and women just prefer to date outside their race.

sometimes girls join dating sites for fun also .. just like the way guys do ...

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