Where in the World Should I Go?


Where in the World Should I Go?
Where in the World Should I Go?

I’ve got some vacation time coming next month (the latter part of May), and am trying to decide what to do or where to go.

Here’s the question I’m posing to all my readers — Where should I go?

There are a few parameters that need to be considered:

• I probably will not be able to talk any friends into traveling with me, so it should be somewhere that it would be comfortable for me to be and travel about on my own.
• I’m not into roughing it, but I also don’t need five star accommodations. I like a nice clean, SAFE hotel, conveniently located and fairly priced.

• Depending on the travel time involved, I will probably have a maximum of five days in the location. It would probably be best to pick one destination, rather than planning on a couple.

• A good mix of doing nothing (beach, spa, lounging about) with having lots to do (museums, sightseeing, people watching, good food and beverage) would be perfect. Options are always good.

• It could be foreign or domestic travel. A warm location would be good, but almost every place is warmer than home right now.

• I have a reasonable budget, but expenses cannot be over the top.

I guess that’s about it. I’m not boxed in by a whole lot of requirements, and am willing to consider almost anything. If you have any ideas, email me, or leave a suggestion in the comments.

Photo credit: SXC


Tags: b5media, flight attendants, Flyaway Cafe, travel, vacation

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