All You Need to Know about Dieting and Pregnancy. Part 2 ...


All You Need to Know about Dieting and Pregnancy. Part 2 ...
All You Need to Know about Dieting and Pregnancy. Part 2 ...

**Read Part 1**

If we analyze the nutrients contained in these traditional foods for pregnant women, we will discover that they contain vast amounts of valuable vitamins and other natural nutrients to properly support both the health of the expecting mother and the growth of her baby:

• Abundance of fat-soluble, master vitamins D and A, contained in oily fish, shrimps, liver, and fats from pastured animals. Pregnant women need lots of naturally-occurring, preformed vitamin A, which is essential for the proper development of the fetus. Plant foods DO NOT contain a fully-formed type of vitamin A. Beta-carotene found in pumpkins, tomatoes, carrots, and other vegetable sources is converted into vitamin A only if we eat substantial quantities of animal fats, and many women cannot utilize it properly anyway, especially if they suffer from underactive thyroid.
• Plenty of vitamin K2, needed for healthy blood and bones. This hard-to-obtain vitamin is abundant in fish eggs, natto, and raw butter from grass-fed cows and goats.
• Both Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids in roughly equal proportions, obtained from fats of pastured animals and oily fish.


• Fat-soluble vitamin E, fatty acids EPA, DHA, and choline, supplied by animal and fish fats and egg yolks. These valuable nutrients are important for the formation of the baby’s healthy nervous system and brain.
• Protein containing all essential amino-acids. Adequate amounts of animal protein are especially important for the development of the placenta, hormones, and all baby tissues. Eating lots of animal protein during pregnancy facilitates the increased production of blood necessary for transporting nutrients to the fetus, and milk when the baby is born. Great whole protein sources include red meat, eggs, and cheese.
• Plenty of important minerals, especially iron, magnesium, and zinc, contained in organ meats, fish eggs, oysters, and clams.
• B-vitamins. Liver and other organ meats are very rich in vitamins B6 and B12, while soaked grains and other traditional plant foods supply lots of niacin, riboflavin, and other B-family vitamins.


• Calcium and a multitude of other minerals in an easy-to-absorb form are derived from whole milk, cheese, fish, Celtic sea salt, and long-simmered bone broths.
• Beneficial enzymes and bacteria that support the health of the gastrointestinal tract and help digest and assimilate nutrients from other foods are present in fermented meats, fruits, and vegetables, as well as in cultured daily products.
• Vitamin C, some minerals, antioxidants, and phitochemicals can be obtained from a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, and properly soaked nuts.


Therefore, when you are preparing to bring a new life into this world, we would recommend that you follow a diet based on traditional nutritional wisdom. Not only will it supply your baby with all important proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins to build healthy tissues, but it will also help you stay strong and fit during your pregnancy and ensure that you have adequate amounts of milk for successful breastfeeding when the baby is born. It is best to start your pregnancy diet about six months prior to the conception, and the same applies to your partner, as well.

**Read Part 3**

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