All You Need to Know about Dieting and Pregnancy. Part 3 ...


All You Need to Know about Dieting and Pregnancy. Part 3 ...
All You Need to Know about Dieting and Pregnancy. Part 3 ...

β€’ **Read Part 1**
β€’ Read Part 2
Foods to Eat:
β€’ Every day, consume at least one pound of fresh animal foods, including poultry, organ meats, beef, lamb, goat, fish, or shellfish of all kind. Rotate animal foods - for example, eat a leg of lamb on Monday, salmon steak on Tuesday, roast chicken on Wednesday, beef stew on Thursday, stuffed fish heads on Friday, calve liver on Saturday, and a nice Sunday roast at the end of the week. Do not overcook your meats. Stews, slow-cooked roasts, and medium-rare steaks are your best options. Eat some amounts of your meat or fish raw, in the form of steak tartar, sashimi, or kibbeh, to ensure that you get adequate amounts of heat-sensitive vitamins B6 and B12. Make sure that you obtain the best animal foods possible, preferably, coming from bio-organic, grass-fed animals and wild fish caught in unpolluted, deep-water areas. Always eat your meats with the fat.
β€’ Aim for about two cups of quality dairy products daily, preferably cultured, such as organic, non-homogenized yogurt, kefir, and cheese from traditional breeds of grass-fed goats and cows.
β€’ Eat eggs regularly, particularly soft-boiled eggs, in which the yolk has all valuable vitamins and enzymes intact. Two eggs per day is the minimum amount. Raw yolks can be mixed with your yogurt or smoothie. Your best choice is free-range organic eggs from hens that have an access to pasture and can feed on bugs, seeds, and grasses.
β€’ Be sure to eat seafood at least twice a week. In the winter, supplement your daily diet with a spoonful of cod liver oil.
β€’ At least once a week, eat organ meats from healthy, grass-fed animals. Beef or lamb liver and heart are especially valuable, nutrient-wise.


β€’ Eat adequate amounts of healthy fats. Opt for a daily dose of several tablespoons of natural butter, lard, or beef tallow. Add extra-virgin olive oil into your salads, and organic coconut oil into your soups and smoothies.
β€’ Every week, make stocks from beef bone marrow, chicken, or leftover bones. Drink several cups a day, or add your home-made stocks to stews and soups.
β€’ Consume only sprouted or soaked whole grain products. Everyday, eat a few servings of whole sourdough bread, sprouted crackers, or soaked porridges, with cream, cheese, or butter.
β€’ Supplements your diet with comfortable amounts of fresh and fermented vegetables, fruits, berries, raw honey, and soaked nuts in season.
β€’ Use long-fermented, traditional soy products only in small amounts, as condiments.

What to Avoid:
β€’ Synthetic dietary supplements, vitamin pills, and drugs. Especially beware of laboratory-produced vitamin A, since it has been shown to cause birth defects and other adverse reactions.
β€’ Smoking and being exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke.
β€’ Alcohol in any quantity or form, including wine and beer.
β€’ Processed, pre-packaged supermarket and β€œhealth-food store” foods, including canned soups, chips, processed meats, and frozen dinners.
β€’ All newfangled soy products, including veggie burgers, soy milk, and snacks with added soy protein.
β€’ Sugar and white flour in any form.
β€’ Caffeine in tea (including green tea), coffee, and bottled drinks.
β€’ All products containing a**rtificial additives, colors, MSG, or synthetic sweeteners.**
β€’ Trans-fats and processed vegetable oils.
β€’ All fast-food **and **most restaurant meals.


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