7 Top NYC Fashion Blogs ...


7 Top NYC Fashion Blogs ...
7 Top NYC Fashion Blogs ...

The Top NYC Fashion Blogs are the websites to stalk if you are in love with the city. And delectable style, of course. I follow these top NYC fashion blogs because they give us glimpses of this great city and an eclectic sense of style and inspiration. I hope that you love these top NYC fashion blogs as much as I do!

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the Glamourai

the Glamourai The Glamourai is Kelly Framel, stylist, jewelry designer, and owner of one of the top NYC Fashion blogs today. There are so many things that you will absolutely love about her blog. Aside from her amazing sense of style, I love her DIYs and posts on home design. This lady has fantastic taste. Plus her hair is rockin'.


Brook&Lyn I am always drawn to blogs that have amazing photos. This is one of the reasons why Brook&Lyn is one of the top NYC Fashion blogs out there. The lady behind this blog is Mimi Jung. Her minimalist and classic style, combined with her artistic photos, make her blog truly delightful to read. I'm telling you, her blog feels like a beloved coffee table book.

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Where Did U Get That Karen's home on the world wide web is most definitely one of the top NYC Fashion blogs today. One reason, of course, is that Karen is incredibly stylish. I am envious of her boots collection! Another reason is that she often shoots her outfit photos out on the streets. So basically, you get fashion and NYC couch-traveling all in one blog.


White Lightning For a good dose of fun and fashion, White Lightning of Elizabeth Spiridakis is the blog for you. If you are already a follower, then you probably already know that her blog will make you laugh. And wish that you have as much luck as Elizabeth does when it comes to finding vintage pieces. I love the way she wears colors and mixes pieces that I'd never thought would work together.


My Style Pill Christine's blog is one of the top NYC fashion blogs today for obvious reasons. She has amazing style. She posts great photos. And she is an all-around nice girl. Among the bloggers I've listed here, Christine's is the style that I aspire to have. She is amazing when it comes to adding accessories to make her look extra fantastic. I wish that I can walk in wedges as fabulously as she does. *sigh*

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Lucy Laucht

Lucy Laucht Lucy is relatively new in the city but I still consider hers one of the top NYC fashion blogs. Her style is a great combination of fun, fresh, girly, and vintage. I am delighted of her stylin' skills but I think am even more enamored of her cheekbones. And her smile. And her arms! Yes, this is a full-on blogger crush


Style Defined NYC The lady behind this cool blog is Katya Moorman. She is a photographer renowned in the world of fashion, particularly street style. I'm sure you will love her blog for her fun and inspiring outfits and photos of other fashionable people in NYC. Apart from the style posts, her blog is also a great resource for what's hot and happening in the greatest city on Earth.

And those are the top NYC fashion blogs that are making the world wide web extra stylish today. Whether you live in NYC, too, or you dream of visiting the city one of these days, these top NYC fashion blogs will easily become your favorites.

If you think there should be other bloggers included here, I'd love to hear your ideas! What are the top NYC fashion blogs for you?

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