Pluto is goes back to being Mickey's Dog:The View from Pluto: Collected Sportswriting About Northeast Ohio Terry Plutolinks §amazon §alibris">">alibris §booksense §google §powells Blogs »Blog Archive » On to Rio!: Less than a third of IAU's members actually came to Prague -just 2500 give or take- and by the end of the meeting when the Pluto decisions were taken, only a fraction of those were present and voting. By all accounts, a tough gang of solar system experts prevailed to dump Pluto from the planetary ranks. But, as the media report, other astronomers say that they have just begun to fight.How long before the president pipes in, adding his two or three million cents. “Why, to remove Pluto from the solar system, that's just unamerican, an act of Astro-physiological terrism. It isn't right, and I intend to do something about it, and that's why we're sending some people over there right now, to Pluto, to Neptune and some of them other places, to talk about getting Pluto back into the fold, to spreading democracy throughout the solar system, and getting it right, and right is... and... listen I can't do more than that... I just don't know how many times I have to tell you people there is fissionable materials on Pluto and we have to take action now.”God help us all.Tags: moon | planet | pluto | astronomy | solarsystem. [...]