Summer Reading the River Cottage Meat Book


Summer Reading the River Cottage Meat Book
Summer Reading the River Cottage Meat Book

It's no secret, I'm a pretty die-hard carnivore. I tried to go veg when I was 16, but my dad made bacon for breakfast a few days later and I just couldn't help myself. So naturally, when a book with the huge letters M-E-A-T arrived at the Sugar HQ, I knew I'd found my next "must read."

Just by glancing through Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's The River Cottage Meat Book, you can tell it's one of those books that is destined to become a classic. The first section of the book is committed to "Understanding Meat," while the rest of it is devoted to various ways of cooking. It's one part meat manifesto, one part guidebook and all parts captivating. Reading it will help you understand high-quality sustainable meat production, as well as educate you in how to choose and store meats. In fact, I lent the book to TeamSugar and she said,

If you are a meat eater it is a must, as it is an in-depth look into the delicious world of meat. For those vegetarians, the first chapter alone might convince you to eat a big juicy steak.

While it may not actually convert any vegetarians, it is a book that many vegetarians can get behind due to Hugh's stance of sustainable farming. If the poor treatment of animals wasn't enough to turn you off of big-farm farming, then Hugh's descriptions of slow-grown heritage animals treated with respect just might.

Yet, admittedly, this book is not for the faint of heart. For every delicious dish that's prepared, there's also pictures of it during the different stages of preparation (including the slaughter). However if you've ever wanted to learn more about meat, where it comes from, how you should select it and then prepare it, you should definitely seek this book out. It was originally published in the UK in 2004, but has recently been revised/converted for an American audience. And did I mention the fact that there are definitely loads of delicious recipes inside?

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