Share Your Uh-Oh Story and WIN


Share Your Uh-Oh Story and WIN
Share Your Uh-Oh Story and WIN

If you’ve ever dropped your iPod or iPhone (or any other digital device) you know that immediate “Uh-Oh!” feeling. But if you’ve ever shopped for a protective case for your personal digital device, you know how ridiculous-looking and cheap some of them are… can’t you protect your iPod without looking like a pre-teen girl?

No offense to you pre-teen girls reading this, but adult women look ridiculous with Justin Bieber or Hello Kitty iPhone covers That’s why I love the concept of Pad & Quill's new Little Black Book for iPhone and iPod Touch. It cleverly disguises your favorite hand-held device as something cooler, more retro, while providing it with the protection it needs from your man-handling and dropping and such. And for the next week, if you share your “Uh-Oh, I dropped my iPod/iPhone/whatever” story, you could win a FREE Little Black Book for your (hopefully still functioning) device.

The Little Black Book reminds me of those super-cool Moleskin journals, with a real wood frame, book binding, and even a little red “bookmark.” But it’s not just designed to look retro-fabulous. Little Black Book also provides top-notch protection for your digital device against dropping and other unintended violent jostling in your handbag or backpack.

What’s your “Uh-Oh” story? Please share… you could win a really, really cool way to save it from future disasters!

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

one time i was at the airport and i had my ipod in my hand the whole time there! and as soon as i get on the plane i realize i lost my ipod!!! and the worst part was that i knew where it was! and i had very private things including my facebook info!!!!

A while back I had my I pod touch in an outside pocket of my purse. As a was getting in the cat, it must have fallen out when I didn't notice. About half way down the road I noticed it was missing and told my dad to go back. When we got to the parking lot, we found the screen shattered and the back was caved in. I then accidentally cut my thumb on the glass. So, I ended up with a demolished I touch and a bleeding thumb.

I swear this still gets on my nerves when my sister rubs it in my face. My dad had bought me an iphone at the end of the school year for being good in school and getting good grades. During the summer, I put it in my back pocket one day and it fell in the toilet. Just imagine how I felt when I realized it was Friday the 13th.Just my luck. Disgusted I got a plastic bag and quickly took it out and rinsed it. I searched online and it said to put it in rice so I did. Well... phone still worked afterwords but the backlight was screwed so it was hard to see what was on it. Anyways, right before school started I went to the library. Stupid me, I took it out of my pocket and it on one of the shelves as I was reading a book. I have no idea why I did, maybe it was just bothered me that the device was just too big and uncomfortable for my pockets. Point is, I forgot it there and several days passes before I realized I had left it there. I had spent the whole time looking around the house, when my mom asked if maybe I had left it at the library. Thanks alot, it was too late to go back. My iphone was gone forever.

one time i was walking down the stairs while using my IPod Touch and i sort of slipped and dropped my ipod! it fell down the stairs but it didnt break!

Okay, so I am not dumb ... all of the time, but occasionally, my blond roots show. A few months ago, apparently I ditched my brunette locks (dyed of course) and opted for a blond moment. It all started out with me doing laundry. I typically do laundry once or twice a week. Because I live on the third floor, doing laundry is TRULY a chore, so I let everything build up. Well, I did my laundry -- little did I know, I left my cell phone in my pants pocket (which seriously, I never, ever do) -- guess where that pair of pants went? Through the wash ... and almost through the dryer. The only reason it didn't make it into the dryer was because when I pulled the pair of pants out of the washer, the pocket was vibrating. Never, ever, ever again will I wash my clothes without checking the pockets!

So I watching My nephew for my sister while she went to the bathroom at McDonald's I let my nephew play with it and he dropped it on the phone but I wasn't angry since I had an otter box case which I absolutely hated because it was a ridiculously brick -like ugly phone case thing so I didn't panic besides I had dropped it multiple times in the past which was the reason why I bought the case in the first place now let me mention not only are those cases huge and hideous but they are way too expensive!! So I thought well my phone would probably survive a fricken hurricane but when I picked my phone up the screen was completely cracked! I was so angry I had to waste a lot of money on a case that didn't protect my phone! I always dropped my phone on hard surfaces and always was afraid of cracking it because I didn't have a case and when I got one it messed everything up!

This morning I drank a cup of tee and I quickly turned and knocked over the cup which then fell on my iPad that was laying on the ground (I know very smart idea) and now the screen is terribly Brocken :S

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