Share Your Skin Sin and WIN


We all commit minor skin-care sins on occasion, and if you tell us about yours, and how you would remedy it with a regimen by Simone France, you would their 10-minute a week skin care solution.

At Simone France, their skin-care philosophy is simple: since most skin-care self-created, they can be self-corrected. Their entire line is dedicated to helping us all absolve our various skin care sins, all in only ten minutes a week. That's right: 3 minutes in the morning, 2 minutes at night, five days a week — that's all the time you'd need to dedicate to having clear, beautiful, healthy skin!
There are so many skin care sins to avoid! I tend to forget to wash at night, sleeping in my make-up. My friend Lucy washes her face with the same soap she uses for the rest of her body. My cousin uses her body wash on her face! What's your skin care sin? Tell us and you could win a lush Simone France "The Sandwich," valued at $100. The Sandwich is tailored to your own skin type, and is designed to give you a gorgeous glow!

So it's confession time: what's your personal skin sin? Let me know down below!

This contest is open to U.S. residents only, and The Sandwich is provided by Simone France.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I also pop my zits!!!! I'm awful about not using a too low spf on my face too!!!! I never ease into a new skin care product. I also rush right in. Oh & I dab peroxide on pimples.....I'm a skni care sinner for sure :-/

I touch my face a lot during the day...scratch the itchy spots, pick at the zits, and rub my eyes.

I think the best thing to do to heal ur zits is to just dab on sum turmeric paste on d zit and keep doing it over and again . I have noticed that the pimple shrinks in size and eventually disappears leavin a pale reddish scar which easily goes! Tryout!

I pop zits, rush into new products and cake it on. I also wash my face with dandruff shampoo, on top of regular face wash. I don't use toner and usually forget moisturizer. I'm also pretty terrible about washing my face in the morning. I have never put an SPF on my face... Wow. All my skin is gonna fall off! On top of this, I LOVE to try new things with make up, so I usually sleep in it 2 or 3 times a week after experimenting.

I touch my face during the day, I pop pimples, I almost never wear sunscreen on my face, and I go to bed a lot without washing my face, which certainly doesn't help the pimples lol

hii jenifer.. Iam an architecture student suffering from severe acne since class 7th and now Iam 22 years old. Its almost been 10 years now.Only the medicine with composition "Isotretinoin" has helped me a lot...but my skin is full of scars and holes.... I have this problem on my back, chest and on buttock. Please guide me

I have battled with acne for years now. Even taken accutane. It's back and a long time ago my friends mom told me she put straight alcohol on her pimple and it was gone overnight. I knew that was harsh to do but I still to this day do it if I'm desperate enough to make a pimple go away. And sometimes it still doesn't work! Help! :/

I use Johnson baby oil to remove my eye makeup i found it better than any of the make up removers I have!

Well, mine is I constantly pick on my arms and end up scarring them up so bad. I also constantly pick on the ones that pop up on my forehead too, but I can't help it, they annoy me. What my real issue is that I put forth no effort to try and stop it because I have no time. Believe if I had the chance to end this nightmare, I would do anything to stop it.

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