Practical Tips on How to Start Jogging ...


Practical Tips on How to Start Jogging ...
Practical Tips on How to Start Jogging ...

Before you begin to roll your eyes and think this is just another ‘health’ article, stop for a moment. These tips could mean the difference between a healthy life and an illness-infested existence. You choose! Read on to discover 10 practical tips on jogging.

a. Talk to you doctor first. Only start jogging once you have a ‘go-ahead’ from your doctor. He may do a stress test to check your condition.

b. Begin with power walking. The idea is to gradually bring your fitness level to a point where you can start jogging short distances. Further, before you begin your session do warm-up exercises and stretch around a bit.

c. Get a training ‘buddy’ to keep you motivated and to offer you company and safety! If it’s your spouse, then all the better! It will help you beat the early morning blues.

d. Dress appropriately. Bright clothes are recommended as you will be more visible to cars and other pedestrians. Choose the right footwear so your feet have good support to keep you going.

e. Try different brands especially with regard to footwear. Sometimes your aches and pains could be because of poor shoe constructions. Don’t let that stop you. Change brands and find out what you’re comfortable with.

f. Don’t ignore signs. If your body is crying for you to stop. Then stop. Don’t push your body too much. If you feel any sharp pain, then discuss it with your doctor. It could be a serious injury.

g. After a strenuous jogging session, don’t stop running all of a sudden. Gradually lessen your pace and let your muscles relax as you wind down.

h. Always carry a bottle of water. Take a few sips every now and then to keep your body hydrated.

i. Be consistent. Don’t just jog once a month, prepare your body for 3 sessions every week of about 30 minutes each. Stick to the schedule that you have prepared in consultation with your trainer.

j. Enjoy it. Don’t look at jogging as a chore that you have to do. Look forward to your session as something therapeutic and relaxing.
Tops jogging sites
1. **How To Get Started With Running**
This is a great article that lists out a week by week jogging schedule. You will also find links to warm-up excurses, how to buy the right shoes and breathing exercises

2. **Running (Jogging)**
If you want to find out everything possible about running, then here it is. From jogging history to running techniques and fitness benefits, you can read it all here.

3. **Jogging**
This is another great article on women and fitness. It gives you a great insight into cardiovascular exercise and how jogging really helps.

4. **Jogging Safely**
Concerned about jogging safety? Look no further. All you need to know is right here on this site - preparation, equipment and action.

5. **Jogging**
More amazing tips and tricks on jogging. There’s a wealth of great information at this online location. Check it out today.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I have to say this that people give doctors WAY WAY too much credit about fitness... do you know that most doctor's, especially GP's have NO clue about health and fitness. I've met one doctor that was not pro excersizing, knew nothing about nutrition.. and you expect people to see a doctor!!! Maybe a Naturalpathic doctor will give you more of a fitness and insights on eating than a GP. No, I'm not a NP, but I've turned to them because GP's are only into what an insurance will or will not pay for you. So, consult a Natural Practitioner not a GP and your results will rocket!! Some NP's even do Pap's for women. How cool is that! Mrs. C.

I always jog with my boyfriend. My advice is, you should do sports activities with friends to keep you motivated in doing them.

Hi! I do jog on and off. I'll be doing it 3x a week this week but then stop the next. It's kinda difficult to keep it consistent but I'll try anyway. I really need to lose weight since I'm 157cm and weight 55kg. I really look funny and shapeless and do not want to put on anymore extra weight. Specially in my belly. I just want to keep fit so badly.

I'm going to start jogging really soon,I'm overweight at only 13 so I'm looking forward to getting in shape!Plus my dad is buying me a German Shepherd so I'll take him/her with me while I'm jogging and get his/her excercise done at the same time as mine. Also I have a tip for everybody it's something I'm going to do while I jog and take my German Shepherd with me,Get an I-pod or just an MP3 Player,buy one of those holders for jogging while playing your MP3 Player. I love music and playing music while jogging gets my mind off of jogging. Thanks

These tips are a lot easier than I thought. Exercising, especially jogging, has always been a BIG job for me and I never found the time to do so since Im always working in front of my PC. I do some brisk walking whenever Im on the mood to do so but I feel like I need more exercises lately. My belly is already bulging aggh!

These are such great tips and they're simple enough that it doesn't feel overwhelming or obsessive. It's giving me motivation to start jogging again. Thanks!


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