Mary Kate McKenna is a fantastic wedding photography and those of your that can nab her for your weddings are extremely lucky, but she is also a true photographer that has a love for the craft and sees tremendous beauty in everything she can point her camera at. So for everyone else here is a terrific contest being held by Mary Kate, that I think is uber neat! if I had a little one, i would SO be entering.
What is Day in the Life?
A Day in the Life photo session is a great way to document a very special time in the life of a child and their family. A session can start at any part of the child's day- when they get up, when they eat breakfast, or after they wake up from their afternoon nap. We can take photos of them playing, taking a bath, and sleeping… anything that goes on in a typical day. It's really fun to do, and it is a great is a great way to share with friends and family what an average day is like in your home. Sessions last about 3 hours.
What’s the Contest?
I’m looking for some great stories! I want to hear about how you, your friends, family, or co-workers spend their weekends. Are they lazy days, spent on the couch reading and making cookies? Are they jam-packed, full of swim lessons and soccer practices? Bike rides, birthday parties and dog walks? A little of everything? I want to know!
Be as brief or as detailed as you’d like. I’d love to get to know these families through what you write. Be creative! (but truthful!)
What Do I Win?
One lucky family will win a Day in the Life photo shoot with me valued at $500. This includes
A photo session at your home/park/any place you choose on March 1, 2008 within 60 miles of DC
Hi-resolution CD of 50 images, in both color and b&w
Online digital proofs hosted for 3 months on to share with family & friends
Coffee table book of your favorite 25 images
**Who Will Judge the Contest?
**Some awesome people!
**Jaime Windon**- Better known in DC as the Blonde Photographer
**Kim Seidl**- San Diego photog, and one of my dear friends
**Marissa Flaxbart**- My best friend since 7th grade, and a fantastically funny writer
My Mom- Enough said!
What are the Rules?
1) Anyone can enter friends, family, co-workers, or even their own family
2) Only one entry per person
3) Photoshoot will take place on Saturday, March 1st- they **must **be available on that day!
4) Photoshoot must be within 60 miles of DC
5) E-mails must be sent to me, at, by MIDNIGHT on Friday, February 22nd. E-mails must include:
• Subject heading needs to be “Contest”•
Introduction to the family you’re entering and your relationship with them
Story about the family and kids (and pets!) and why you think they should win, and what goes on during a typical Saturday at their home
A photo of the family
Your e-mail address and an e-mail of someone in the family
6) A winner will be chosen by the judges and will be announced on Monday, February 25th on my blog.
**So spread the word! **
**Feel free to blog this and e-mail this to friends, family, and co-workers- everyone is invited to enter. **
If you have any questions, e-mail me, ****
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