9 Top Photographers ...


9 Top Photographers ...
9 Top Photographers ...

Photographers over time are some of the most renowned artists in the world. Capturing images onto film they are praised for their contribution to art and science. Photographs are permanent records of beauty, providing us with memories for life. Amongst these many talented artists, here is a list of 9 top photographers who have gifted us some amazing moments frozen forever in time.

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Edward Weston

Photo Credit: netlexfrance.info

He’s acclaimed as one of the most innovative American photographers of the 20th century. His ability to focus on subtle tones and produced images that are close to poetry has labeled him a true creative artist and one of the top photographers of all time.


Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz Photo Credit: time.com

Ms. Leibovitz has been considered one of the best American portrait photographers of recent times. Her numerous intimate portraits of celebrities are what made her famous. Using bold colors and poses, she has captured some of the most enduring images of people for countless magazine covers.


Eve Arnold

Eve Arnold Photo Credit: kittysheehan.com

One of the most successful American photojournalists, she dedicated herself to capturing people, famous or not, as they are. She was made famous by her photographs of Marilyn Monroe, who trusted her above any other. She is responsible for some of the most enduring images of our time.

“It is the photographer, not the camera that is the instrument.” -- Eve Arnold


Bill Brandt

Bill Brandt Photo Credit: markpowerblog.com

Bill Brandt is probably the most important British photographers of the 20th century. His photographs contributed to history consisting of some of the most varied and vivid social documents of the 1900s.


Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon Photo Credit: genevaanderson.wordpress.com

An American who began taking portraits and progressed to be an acclaimed fine art photographer. He was one of the first photographers to change the face of fashion photography, choosing to take pictures of models full of emotion rather than motionless and uninterested in the camera.


David LaChapelle

David LaChapelle Photo Credit: fashionologie.com
This top photographer has taken pictures of some of the most famous faces of all times. He has also been responsible for countless memorable advertising campaigns. He had an extraordinary talent of creating scenes of extreme reality using vibrant colors, and earns his place as one of the top photographers.


Martin Parr

Photo Credit: life.com
This British photographer is known as a chronicler of our time. He offered us the opportunity to see the world through his unique perspective. He did this often using garish colors and perspective in unusual settings.


Norman Parkinson

Norman Parkinson Photo Credit: photo-live-4u.blogspot.com

This celebrated British photographer of fashion and portraits features predominately as one of the world’s top photographers. He had a unique ability of capturing liveliness and spontaneity in his subjects. He was renowned for being able to accurately capture the period with a certain ‘joie de vivre’.


Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams Photo Credit: cbc.ca
Possibly the work of Ansel Adams is one of the most easily recognizable of any of the top photographers. His unique black and white images of stunning North American scenery spawned a new era of landscape photography.

Photography as an art form has been responsible for some of the most memorable images of people ever captured. From famous to ordinary we have been graced with the talent of these top photographers and modern day photography is better off for their contributions, which makes me wonder who I would have hired to photograph me, what about you?

Top Photo Credit: nvrmndclothing.com

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