Patricia Field Gabs with Fab


Patricia Field Gabs with Fab
Patricia Field Gabs with Fab

Ever wonder what goes on inside super stylist Patricia Field's bright red head? Lucky for us, she and I had a convo about her approach to styling, the Sex and the City movie, Cashmere Mafia and where she does the shopping for all the clothes we know and love. I got an exclusive interview with her at Fashion Week; she spoke with ease and gave Fab many minutes of her time. Thanks Patricia! On to the goods . . .

It looks like the wardrobe for the Sex and the City movie is more dramatic versus the show? Can you explain how you approached the movie wardrobe?

I approached the movie with the idea that five years has passed since we last saw these girls in action. And we know these girls quite well so you have to come through with a truthful concept. You can’t just be, “Oh, let’s do this and let’s do that” because our audience knows these girls very well and you’re not going to put something out there that they’re not going to believe. Five years have passed, what has happened to these women in five years? There are some changes but it’s not a new person.

To read the rest of the interview and to see more pics from the interview,

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