Make Me up


Make Me up
Make Me up

Last week I was eye balling this SmashBox beauty kit at Sephora. It had so much stuff and it was only $60. I got so far as to walk up to the register then chickened out and ran it back to the display. The colors were pretty plain and everything was so basic. I am a wild child when it comes to make up (at least I try to when I buy) so these neutrals turned me off.

A week later I thought that I really do need good quality cosmetic basics in my make up bin (its a pretty big bin), so I went back and got it. I actually got the last one and basically snatched it out of some womans sight. So glad I got it.

What it's got:
• 1 tube of photo finish (travel size)- feels so good on the face• 1 tube of lip exfoliant- tastes good and works amazingly well, my lips haven't been chapped all day• Brow Tech Trio- I over darkened my brows this morning, but once I master it this will be a staple.• Cream Eye Liner (in brown and black)- smooth and stays put! seriously• Cream Liner Brush- great quality• Eye Shadow quad- chocolate brown, matte pink, golden pink, metallic olive green• Fusion soft lights- shimmering pinks, peach, corals, champagne, bronze• Lip enhancing floss in pixel- pretty pretty and isnt sticky at all

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