Get over Him How to Overcome Heartaches ...


Get over Him How to Overcome Heartaches ...
Get over Him How to Overcome Heartaches ...

Did you and a long-time or short-time boyfriend just recently called it quits? If you did – and you are a sucker for wallowing in self pity, here’s one word for you: **Don’t! **

You may feel like the end of the world **if you and the supposed **love **of your life decided to call the whole thing **off, but remember that there is still life after him.

Here’s our top 5 tips **on how you can **effectively ****get over him and overcome **your oh-so-painful **heartache:

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Allow Yourself to Be on Self-pity Mode

Eat your heart out or go on a photo retrospective of your good times together. Cry, scream, go all ‘drama queen-like’. Allowing yourself to wallow in self-pity is the first stage of the getting-over-him stage.


Get Rid of All of His Stuff

Get rid **of all of his **stuff, as well as any item which will remind you of your time together as a couple. After drowning yourself in self-pity, the next step is to get rid of all of his stuff so that you can start moving on.


Be like Victoria Beckham

Even if you’re going out for an ice cream – imagine that there’s a million **paparazzi **out o your trail who’ll take photos of what you’re wearing. This will give you that extra **confidence **and bounce on your step.


Treat Yourself like a Queen

Go to a really expensive salon and get a hair treatment. Don’t snip off your locks, however. Just give your hair a hair makeover, do your nails, get a massage. Treat yourself like a queen and **stop lounging at home **wearing pajamas all the time!


Start Going out Again

The only way that you can really get over a heartache is when you’ve already moved on. Start by going out again. Call your girlfriends and club-hop. **Flirt **with the cutest guy in the bar while looking like your usual **hot **self.

These tips should get you on the **right track **of getting over him and whatever **heartache **the bastard has caused! Lol…

Photo Credit: beautiful picture of Grace L

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

We all wonder why love is so tough, but it is life, life will throw you pain and broken hearts but show life that you are strong and have no reason to be down, pick yourself up, have hope, believe, fight and never look back. Losing the one you love for whatever reason whether it be him not sharing the same feelings as you at all ever or a breakup perhaps is something noone deserves to go through but it is important to remember if someone has touched your heart then they are something special and you will never forget them, they will be a memory and it is a good thing. It is not love in my honest opinion if you forget someone you care about. You know there is always a choice, you don't have to move on but think about if you don't all you will be doing for the rest of this life is being down and depressed it isn't attractive. Leave that person in your past and don't waste this short life or take it for granted. I believe it is better to stay single you number one get more out of life and 2 are happier because there is no heartache but i suppose you can't not act on feelings when you see someone special

please help!! i have a live in partner for almost 4yrs we have 2yrs old daughter. hes been cheating on me for many times but i forgiven him for our daugther sake and its hard for me too to be alone raising my child since i am a fulltime mother. lately, i have a suspicious again that he has another woman and its breaking my heart so much i always cried and so last night too i think my daughter felt that im hurt coz when she saw me crying she said wat and why even she just cant talk so well yet. now my heart is dying coz yesterday i confronted him why he wasnt able to go home the other night instead of giving his reason he is angry on me and he left without leaving our allowance.he said i am too jealous and suspicious.. i am so tired of him coz i feel he dont care my feelings but im thinking also formy daughter.. i am so confuse on what to do now..he will be home tomorrow but i dont what should i say to him. i used tothink that i will leave him and move on but still i stayed. please help what will i do?

Here’s our top 5 tips on how you can effectively get over him and overcome your oh-so-painful heartache: 5. Allow yourself to be on self-pity mode. Eat your heart out or go on a photo retrospective of your good times together. Cry, scream, go all ‘drama queen-like’. Allowing yourself to wallow in self-pity is the first stage of the getting-over-him stage. 4. Get rid of all of his stuff. Get rid of all of his stuff, as well as any item which will remind you of your time together as a couple. After drowning yourself in self-pity, the next step is to get rid of all of his stuff so that you can start moving on. 3. Be like Victoria Beckham. Even if you’re going out for an ice cream – imagine that there’s a million paparazzi out o your trail who’ll take photos of what you’re wearing. This will give you that extra confidence and bounce on your step. 2. Treat yourself like a queen. Go to a really expensive salon and get a hair treatment. Don’t snip off your locks, however. Just give your hair a hair makeover, do your nails, get a massage. Treat yourself like a queen and stop lounging at home wearing pajamas all the time! 1. Start going out again. The only way that you can really get over a heartache is when you’ve already moved on. Start by going out again. Call your girlfriends and club-hop. Flirt with the cutest guy in the bar while looking like your usual hot self. These tips should get you on the right track of getting over him and whatever heartache the bastard has caused! Lol…

i need a lover..i lost my love one 4 years ago but still i can't get over him since we have 1 child that reminds me of our memories together....but the problem is he got married...i just want to ask an advise if i should fight to win him back or just give chance to my million suitors..need a lover at this moment..please help me...a guy with stable job and can provide me and my son a better life...thankz..god bless..

I am so distraught. I found my soulmate for sure. I'm 40 something years old & i Know heis the one. He had previous awful issues with his ex wife of fifteen yrs ago & her 3 stepchildren who were not disciplined, then they had 2 kids together. It turned out a mess. Fifteen yrs later he still hurts from it. We met two yrs ago after I split from a 10 yr marriage that was over five years prior to me leaving. He told me upfront that he usuall doesnt go near women who have small children, however he continued to see me & we fell so in love it was unreal. After 6 months he was asking to meet my children (who are great kids & disciplined well). He had an awesome relationship with them, to the point they told him they loved him & he said it to them. He did everything with them. After a year or so he lost his position in hiis company & shortly was so unhappy. He retracted from my kids & told me he never wanted to live with me as he does not want to live under the same roof with children. He put a "wall up", so he calls it & suddenly our sex life was even affected. He is even pulling away from me now that he is unemployed & cant find a sufficient place to work. I love him more than anything, he is saying he is not in love with me anymore, however still wants to remain friends. I am so attracted to him, so comforted with him. I dont know how to move on. We have had this conversation a million times & I cry everytime. He will stay with me as long as I dont want to live with him. I feel like I will never meet someone that I click with like I did with him. I'm so depressed, I cant even leave the house. We were eachothers life. He says he is a loner & not looking for another woman & that I was the greatest person, lover he ever had (he is 51). My heart is torn in a million pieces. I want us to live together, I want to get married again. What do I do? He doesnt want my girls (6 & 9) as they remind him of his own kids who dont talk to him anymore & it hurts when he sees my kids. Omg, the pain is surreal. I have no friends or family, all I had was him. Someone please tell me what I should do??? How do I get my heart to stop aching??? How? I cant take the hurt. He seems fine though.

Hi Everybody, It is so good to come across this site.......some of you have come through break ups and lived to tell the tale. Unfortunately, i am just at the beginning of mine!!! I've been married to the love of my life for 5 years, we're together 6 years in total. he meant the world to me but everythign went bad 2 years ago. I found out while i was 7 months pregnant that my husband was having affairs, with a numer of women all at the same time.......i was gutted.....I had my suspiscions before that he had been unfaithful but he had always convinced me i was being paranoid, over jealous etc., i mean he did the ususal hiding his phone, getting a second phone, never answering my calls when he was out etc. When i found out 2 months before giving birth i was totally devasted but he broke down crying saying he wanted to work things out, he loved me and all that and of course i couldnt contemplate life bringing a child up alone so i stayed and tried to make it work. Of course i still had suspicions that he might stray again. Anyway, in November 2010 i decided to have a PI follow my husband, and sure enough within the first few hours of following him the PI was able to confirm he was seeing another woman. Naturally, DH denied it and begged for forgiveness. I really wanted to believe he could change so again i gave him chance but i decided to buy a vehicle tracker to monitor his whereabouts without him knowing and sure enough the minute i went our of town he was back to the same woman. I couldn't believe it, this woman is around 48, she has 4 children by 4 different men and i am only 28. I'm not stunning looking but i would say i have average beauty. Just cant believe he would ruin our marriage for a woman like her!!! He said it was just for sex....but it still hurts. So, anyway in the last few weeks i just couldnt take anymore and decided i had to move for my daughter's sake and my own as we were lviing in the city and had no life really except eing lonely at home while he "worked". So, i've actually managed to find a job in my home town and i'm moving everything next weekend....thing is, i'm heartbroken over it. DH didnt even try to fight for us to stay...i asked him to come home and talk about it before i handed in my notice at my current job and he didnt come home till early next morning so i took that a s a sign that he couldnt be bothered and went ahead and gave my notice at work and DD creche. Thing is i dont know if i'm about to make the biggest mistake of m life or the best one. he has been my life for 6 yrs, i havent stopped crying in the last week, and it upsets my daughter when she sees me crying. I just wish he could make some attempt to keep us. I even asked him to move with us but he refused. Right now i just put a brave face on but inside i am devasted. He says he will never have a family with anybody else, and that it was just sex he was getting from these other women and not love and that i am the only person he loves..........its a funny wayof showiing love to somebody!!! Has anybody been in a similiar situation and overcome it? How long will i be feeling like his. I'm so miserable.

i have a boyfriend nd we've been together since last year june. We broke up last january for a reason that he still love his bestfriend he used to court the girl but he was rejected.I know that it is not the main reason why he quit, his friend told me that maybe he is tired of being with me.He just texted me and that's it.I really love him so much.And its really painful for me,i always got drunk!and everytime i miss him it hurts like hell!Until i came to the point that i went to their house and i beg him to come back but then he refused!damn! i thought it was the end of the world!I cried so much. And tried my best to overcome the pain, i had a relationship with another guy i admit that i used him to forget my x but still it does not work.. 6 months after our breakup, i can convince myself that im ok already.. i've already pick-up the pieces and moved on.. i already did those 5 steps to overcome the heartache. Then we had a communication again, he texted me..then we became friends because for me in order to forget a person u must to forgive first.Until we met each other again and gosh! i still love him! i can feel my heart is beating so fast and i was so overwhelm when i saw him..and it was so weird that we treat each other as if nothing happened.We are so sweet,when we talk about our breakup we just laugh about it. I know its unfair for me but being with him again is enough to forget those pain that's how much i love him.Then we decided to be together again for the second time. maybe by this time our relationship will work. There's a lot of changes on him even on me.. I became more aware that I must not expect too much from him I must love myself more that him.And he became more concern to me than before and its convincing. But recently, when were both busy and we cant find to see each other he became so annoying when i texted him, it seems that he's not interested anymore,even a simple "i love you" he can't tell even on txt. And then just this morning he say sorry for all the things he done. And for the second time he is breaking up with me and by this time he told me that maybe he's not ready because he does not yet overcome of what his first girlfriend did to him..And it was so FuCK! I feel that I was used again!And I refused, I told him that let me decide when will i give up..not not ready for this. I hate myself of being like this Why i cant give up on him. Please give me some advice! I dont want to be hurt again.. Does he love me too?Do i have to hold on? :(

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