Brush on ...


Brush on ...
Brush on ...

There are some things in life you just can't skimp have to do quality. All the way quality. Every time I purchase make up brushes I am always freaked out by the big price tags, so I always down grade to the more affordable synthetic alternative. That is all fine and good until the brushes start to turn on you. You know what I mean- when the bristles start feeling like nappy doll hair on your face. Not cool. Or you end up with tiny black bristles all over your face. Not good either- either looks like you had a "good time" before you left the house or you have spurts of facial hair.

I have decided to put a stop to this. I originally wanted to buy a kit of good quality full sized brushes... So I checked Trish McEvoy and Laura Mercier, but they were in the price family of $250 a kit. Thats a lot to drop at one time. I prefer to stretch it. So I headed over to MAC.

I started with 4 brushes that I know I will use, and if I need more I will go back and get more. I can't see myself using 12 different brushes a day (another reason I didn't go for the kit).

Here is what I got-

For my Studio Fix powder, the 187 Duo Fibre Brush- I actually bought this because it looks so darn cool with the white on top.

For the peepers-

I like to wear eye color under my eye- I think it looks cool. And 212 Flat Definer brush this brush does the trick- and perfectly might I add.

I also picked up this 217 blending brush because its firm enough to apply the color as well. Feels like a dream on the eyes too.

Finally- the must have for a smokey eye... the219 Pencil Brush.

I also couldn't leave without brush cleaner...if I am going to have pricey brushes I best keep em clean. No what I mean? I currently store my brushes in a cheap brush roll from Target- I would like to upgrade to a MAC case (maybe after pay day).

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