Kate Winslet has won a payout from Grazia magazine today for a story which claimed she visited a diet doctor. The case, which was kept quiet from the public and the media, centred around a recent article which reported that Winslet had approached a doctor to help her lose weight when in fact it was to help her with a neck injury. Lawyers for Winslet argued that the article suggested that she had lied to the public when she said that she celebrated her curves and refused to bow to the pressure to be skinny. Winslet responded to the article saying that it had caused her personal hurt, distress, anger and embarrassment. Grazia agreed to publish an apology in their March 5 issue along with a 'substantial' payout which Winslet plans to donate to an eating disorder charity. "I am not a hypocrite. I have always been and shall continue to be, honest with it comes to body/weight issues. I feel very strongly that 'curves' are natural, womanly and real," she said in reply to the verdict. That's what you would call one small step for Winslet, one giant leap in the debate on size 0. Well done Kate, I applaud you!