As every month goes by you probably see that you are spending an excessive amount on electricity. Here are 8 ways to save money on your electricity bill.
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Invest in Energy-efficient Products
Photo Credit: Melodysparks(Chris) - Sparky - MissMarbles ETC....
There are a wide range of energy efficient appliances on the market, often you will find that the initial payment can be quite expensive but the amount of money that you save in the long run is worth it. Some examples of products available are ovens, washing machines and refrigerators.
Make Sure That Your Heating System Has a Programmable Thermostat
Photo Credit: BamaWester
Another great way to save energy and money is to ensure that your heating system has a programmable thermostat installed. This will make sure that the heating is not on and being wasted when no one is at home, you can programme it to come on and turn off at suitable times.
Try Using Energy Efficient Light Bulbs
Photo Credit: Harraz
Now these light bulbs can take a lot of getting used to and they are usually more expensive than normal light bulbs but in my opinion they are worth it in the long run. They save energy and this is something that you will notice when you receive your electric bill. Be patient when you turn on light that use these light bulbs because they do take slightly longer to light up and sometimes you think that the bulb has blown.
Only Use the Dishwasher when It is Full
Photo Credit: Ivy style33
The majority of us are probably guilty of turning on the dishwasher when it is only half full. We fail to realise that it is still using the same amount of energy as it would if it were full, therefore why not wait until it is full. If you find that you have run out of a plate or cutlery then manually wash these items, this will help to save you money in the long run.
Turn off All Computers in the House
Photo Credit: cdevroe
Some people have the habit of leaving on their computer throughout the day and over night; this wastes a large amount of energy and your money. Always try to remember to turn off your computer or laptop when you are not using this, make other family member or people living with you aware of this too.
Have the Electric Company Survey Your Place
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The electric company that you are with can come out and take a look at the meter; this is so that they can make sure that it is running correctly. In my opinion the last thing that you need is to be paying extra money for something that you are not even using. This check should be carried out on a regular basis, ideally once a year.
Do Not Leave the Tv on Standby
Photo Credit: William Hook
It is so tempting when you are watching the television to just hit the standby button on the remote control and leave the room. Try to remember that this will waste electricity and add to your bill. When you no longer want to watch the television turn it off properly this will help to save you some money.
Turn off the Light when You Leave the Room
Photo Credit: PatrickSmithPhotography
In my opinion one of the biggest consumers of electricity, and energy wasters, is leaving the light on in a room when it is not needed. You know when you walk out of the room and you know that you are going to be gone for a few minutes, turn the light off. Also when there is daylight pouring in through the window you do not need to have a light on.
There you have 8 ways to save money on your electricity bill. You should find that these tips will help you, you may not notice any short term differences but in the long term it will help you to save money and energy.
Top Photo Credit: joaobambu
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