Clutter. We all have it and we all find ways of dealing with it. Some ignore it. Some choose to hide it under the bed. Some even display it proudly all over the house! If you are like me, clutter annoys you, but how to deal with it? Keep reading to find out how to take control of the clutter so that is doesn’t take control of you!
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1. Make Use of Shelves
Photo Credit: Crafty Intentions
Have a shelf or table by your door for things that you need when leaving the house.
Keep a basket for keys and mail ready for the mailbox. Have your purse, re-usable shopping bags and kid's backpacks one a shelf or hanging on hooks within reach when you need them.
2. Remember: Rubber Totes
Photo Credit: huebner_silkesf
Totes are your friends, and they come in all sizes! Use the flat ones for minimizing under-bed clutter, large ones for storing extra clothing and small ones for organizing around the house. For example, my bathroom is small and lacking in cabinet space, so I have four small totes in the corner. I keep one for hair accessories, one for extra soap and q-tips - things like that, one for bathtub toys, and once for odd and end things.
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3. Vacuum Bags
Photo Credit: -coronita-
These storage bags will greatly cut down on space being taken up by extra blankets. What about out of season clothing? Put these big, bulky items in a vacuum bag, vacuum closed, and store on a high, out-of-the-way shelf.
4. Organize Brooms and Mops
Photo Credit: fluffballs
Install small screw hooks on the inside of a closet door or in your laundry room.
This becomes home to your mop, broom, duster, etc. They always have a place up and out of the way.
5. Keep a Basket for Magazines
Photo Credit: Ponderer
Once the basket gets full, it is time to go through and throw away the older issues making way for new magazines in the mail. This is also a neat storage container for books beside your bed and recliner.
6. Have a Place for Everything
Photo Credit: chotda
And above all, make sure that everyone in the house knows where everything goes. It annoys me to no end when I spend hours cleaning and organizing and then someone comes behind me and throws stuff around. Make sure they KNOW where their toys belong, as well as their shoes, books, snacks, scissors, and everything else!
7. Get Rid of Clutter
Photo Credit: KayVee.INC
When all else fails, go through everything and have a yard sale.
Houses were only made to hold so much stuff. Chances are, there are things in your house that you have forgotten even exist. Purging your house of junk once in a while is the only true way to live clutter-free!
8. Use Drawer Organizers
Photo Credit: shannon_lofthus
We all need junk drawers, but that doesn’t mean your draws need to be junky! Use pre-made organizers, or make your own unique dividers and custom organize your drawers. I use both and I love them. Why dig through a drawer only to discover the item you are looking for is not even in the drawer? Use drawer organizers and you can spot the article at once.
Clutter has a way of multiplying before your very eyes. It can grow out of control and overwhelm you. Don’t let that happen to you! Organize, store, and get rid of the mess. What are you secrets for staying clean?
Top Photo Credit: BonBonMom