8 Hints That It's Time to Look for a New Job ...


With the current economic crisis, it seems that hundreds of people are applying for each job vacancy. So if you are lucky enough to have a job, you are made to feel that you should be grateful for being in employment, no matter how poorly paid or how difficult the circumstances. However, there are some situations when you may want to consider moving on. After all, it doesn’t hurt to look …



If that Monday morning feeling occurs every day, and you invariably dread going to work, then something is very wrong with the job. If you can’t do anything about whatever is causing the problem, then it’s best to consider changing jobs.



Sure, we all need a job in order to pay the bills, but your health is the most precious thing you’ll ever have. So if you are working far too many hours, colleagues are making your life a misery, or for any reason your health is being affected by your work, then it’s definitely time to move on.


Deadbeat Colleagues

There’s one in every workplace – the worker who doesn’t actually want to do any work. They’re conspicuous by their absence when something needs doing, their tendency to take long breaks, and their excuses to get out of anything remotely demanding. Don’t waste your time carrying someone else – it won’t be appreciated.


Promises, Promises …

Have you ever been in a job where you are constantly promised promotion, pay rises and bonuses – but none of these things ever materialise? This then raises the distinct possibility that all these promises are meaningless, made just to try to get more out of you.



Employers are cottoning on to the ‘be grateful to have a job’ bandwagon, and some will take advantage of people’s fears of losing their job. They will expect you to work extra unpaid hours, do the work or two, and if you don’t oblige will hint that there are plenty of other people who would be glad of employment …


Same Old …

Most of us need some variation and challenge in our work, so if the job is monotonous and unchanging it can lead to boredom and not working to our best capacity. If you find that your job has become stale, it might be time to look for something more stimulating and challenging.



Mass job cuts are an ever-present threat these days, and no job is entirely safe. If rumours start flying around that your employer is going to be reducing staff numbers, and there appears to be some substance to the rumours, then consider whether it’s better to wait and see, or jump before you are pushed.



Maybe there’s nothing really wrong with your job, and you like it well enough, but it’s just something you do to pay the bills. If you want a career rather than a job, then consider a change of scenery – maybe doing some study or training so that you can improve your prospects.

Ideally, when there are problems at work management should be able to resolve them, but that isn’t always the case, especially if managers ARE the problem! No job is worth a lot of stress, or damaging your health.

Top image source: calltocareer.com

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Sure, we all need a job in order to pay the bills, but your health is the most precious thing you’ll ever have. So if you are working far too many hours, colleagues are making your life a misery, or for any reason your health is being affected by your work, then it’s definitely time to move on.

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