8 Great Wall Calendars ...


8 Great Wall Calendars ...
8 Great Wall Calendars ...

I’m one of those OCD-organized people who’s not content unless everything in my life is perfectly planned and written on a calendar. I keep my “big” one in my handbag, my school planner in my backpack, the family calendar on the fridge, and a reference calendar on the wall in my office. Every December, I look forward to choosing new calendars to help me keep organized (and happy) and this year there are so many to choose from! It seems that there’s a calendar for every hobby, interest, and celebrity… here are 8 great wall calendars.

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Erte Studio 2011 Calendar

Erte Studio 2011 Calendar Price: $19.99 at borders.com
I love the deco feel of Erte pieces, the gorgeous women in elegant gowns, all done in rich, lush colors. This calendar celebrates art as part of a lifestyle, and each month features a new image. I love it!


National Geographic Lighthouses 2011 Calendar

National Geographic Lighthouses 2011 Calendar Price: $13.99 at borders.com
Michgan boasts more than 100 lighthouses, which makes us a vacation and day-trip destination for people who love them. This calendar by National Geographic features a year’s worth of gorgeous lighthouses from across the country, all printed using eco-friendly paper and ink.


Ansel Adams 2011 Calendar

Ansel Adams 2011 Calendar Price: $18.99 at borders.com
I fell in love with the Ansel Adams’s nature photography when I was a teenager, and I treasure the gorgeous oak tree in snow print I have above my mantel. This calendar features a breath-taking black and white photo for each month… when the year is over, don’t throw the calendar away — frame the three photos you like best and display them together!


Cartoons from the New Yorker 2011 Calendar

Cartoons from the New Yorker 2011 Calendar Price: $13.99 at borders.com
The cartoons in The New Yorker magazine are clever, simply drawn but charming, and this wall calendar features a classic cartoon each month. I was surprised: there were some in here I hadn’t seen. If you’re a fan of the cat cartoons in The New Yorker, there’s even a calendar just for those.


Women of DC Unleashed 2011 Calendar

Women of DC Unleashed 2011 Calendar Price: $1.99 at borders.com
If you could be any of the DC Comics super-heroes, who would you be? I’d be Wonder Woman… or maybe SuperGirl… I can’t decide! This calendar focuses on one of the female DC characters each month, with great fantastic art on all of your favorites.


Glee 2011 Calendar

Glee 2011 Calendar Price: $14.99 at borders.com
Fans of the hit TV show Glee will love this calendar. It features the same charming and funny glee club misfits, with one photo each month, in all their glory. The only way this calendar could be better is if it included my dream guest star, Jack Black. What? He’d be perfect, especially pitted against (or paired with) Jane Lynch.


Bad Cat 2011 Calendar

Bad Cat 2011 Calendar Price: $12.99 at borders.com
Any crazy cat lady or fan of LOLCATS (or both) will enjoy the photos in the calendar. They’re all of cats behaving badly — dominating the dog, scaring the children, playing with one too many catnip mice. Included with the calendar are 12 postcards, so the lucky calendar owner can share the naughty-kitty joy.


Justin Bieber 2011 Calendar

Justin Bieber 2011 Calendar Price: $14.99 at borders.com
I can’t even pretend to understand the world’s fascination with this child. But chances are, there’s someone on your holiday gift list, or in your household, who loves Justin Bieber, and she would probably LOVE this calendar. But for me? Let me know when Bieber reaches puberty and cuts that hair, and then we’ll see.

Those are just a few of the (literally) dozens of wall calendars at the Borders website, covering every topic and interest you can imagine. There’s sure to be one (or one hundred) calendars you and your family would love to use all year! Which of these calendars do you like best? Or do you not use wall calendars anymore?

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