8 Famous Doggies I'd Love to Meet ...


8 Famous Doggies I'd Love to Meet ...
8 Famous Doggies I'd Love to Meet ...

I was watching TV with my puppy this week when I noticed how much he loves seeing other dogs on the TV. He gets so excited, and even jumps up at the screen! He’s not usually very sociable, and prefers to have all the attention himself, so I was keen to see which dogs he’d love to meet. Here are our top 8 famous doggies we’d like over for tea...

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1. Greyfriars Bobby

Greyfriars Bobby Photo Credit: National Galleries of Scotland Commons

Bobby is the symbol of loyality! When his owner died in 1858, Bobby decided to guard his grave. And he guarded it well, for fourteen years until his own death! Bobby only left his master’s side to eat at a local restaurant, and in 1867, became the property of Edinburgh council, who decided to allow him to stay. He was such a cutie!

2. Pickles

Pickles became a UK hero when he found the missing World Cup trophy in a London bush in 1966. It had been stolen from an exhibition at Westminster weeks earlier, and many were starting to doubt that the £300,000 trophy would be found. How happy would you be if your dog found £300,000?!

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3. Laika

Laika Photo Credit: Coilhouse

Laika was the first dog to orbit the Earth! The stray was sent into Space in a Russian spaceship called the Sputnik 2, to judge whether humans could survive in Space. Unfortunately, Laika couldn’t. Russian officials initially declared that she had died painlessly while in Orbit, but it was eventually discovered that she had overheated and panicked at died just after lift-off. Her story makes me cry...I’d love to give her a big cuddle!

4. Shep

Shep Photo Credit: johndugganfoto

Who could forget Shep?! Blue Peters most famous animal, Shep and owner John Noake’s had a beautiful relationship, and Shep was the star of the show in the 70’s. The gorgeous border collie had a very excitable nature, and my puppy would love adventuring with her! She looks so fluffy and cute...

5. Nipper

Another very famous dog, Nipper is the name of that oh-so-cute HMV dog. Nipper shot to fame when his owner died, and his owner’s brother painted a picture of him sat on his owners coffin, listening to a recording his owner had made on a phonograph. He was a successful mascot of HMV for many years, and even appeared in other adverts with his son Chipper, before he passed away. He looks like so much fun!

6. Judy

Judy Photo Credit: RVasquez

Judy was on a Royal Navy boat, which was observing Japanese aircraft during the war. The boat was sunk, and the whole crew, including Judy, captured. Judy was the only animal to be declared a Prisoner of War in WW2! She helped to keep morale up and scavenge food, and even survived bullet wounds and an alligator bite before she was awarded the Dickens medal for Valor back in Britain. Awww!

7. Pompey

Pompey belonged to William I, Prince of Orange, in the 16th Century. Rumour has it that William was asleep in his tent when the Spaniards attacked, and Pompey immediately began barking, scratching and jumping on his owner to wake him up. William woke up in time, and Pompey was regarded as a hero. A super cute hero, too!

8. Roselle

Roselle was asleep under her Sales Manager Owners desk when a plane crashed into the towers 15 floors higher. She alerted her owner immediately, and helped him navigate his way through the rubble and onto the ground floor. This could only be made more amazing by the fact that Roselle is a guide dog, and her owner is blind. She didn’t even want her hero status, preferring just to cuddle up and sleep in front of her grateful owner. Awwww!

Dogs are lovely...They are so intelligent, and yet still so perfect to snuggle up with! I just know me and Puppy would have an amazing time having these amazing dogs around to play! (Although I wouldn’t want to clean up after them!) Have you got an animal hero, or a pet you’d love to meet? Please share it with me!

Top Photo Credit: Danz in Tokyo

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