8 Cutest Clocks ...


8 Cutest Clocks ...
8 Cutest Clocks ...

Clocks can be decorative, clocks can be functional, but I prefer one that looks good on the wall. I have a hand-painted cat clock that makes me smile every time I look at it. Here are some cute clocks I've picked out for you to look at.

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Look Ma, No Hands!

Look Ma, No Hands! Price: $52 at etsy.com
You can buy a boring basic clock for $10, or you can pay more and have a fun clock like this. The hand-painted dog hangs upside down, with a bone as the pendulum.



Hubcap Price: $53.99 at etsy.com
I love the idea of items being reused to make something completely different, so this clock made from a vintage hubcap is a really clever — and green — idea. There are other models, if you have a favourite vintage car.

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Yin Yang

Yin Yang Price: $129 at etsy.com
Not a cheap clock, but a beautiful piece of art as well as a timepiece. The two swirls of colour have a retro 70's feel, and would make the clock look stunning on a plain wall.


Sunny Flower

Sunny Flower Price: $50 at etsy.com
This is so bright and cheerful! It would look perfect in a kitchen. To add to the cute details, the hands each feature a ladybird, and the pendulum a butterfly.


Spiral Origami

Spiral Origami Price: $40 at etsy.com
What a beautiful clock! The black and gold colours are very stylish, as are the spiral folds. Another artistic clock that would look amazing against a monochrome wall.

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Modern Clock

Modern Clock Price: $40 at etsy.com
I love the way that the hours have been made into a colourful pattern here. The cutout shows the bright blue background — another clock with a retro feel.


Metal Scroll

Metal Scroll Price: $23.99 at etsy.com
A lovely piece of metalwork here, with a red swirly design. It's an excellent price too, when you could easily pay that for something far less original.


Tin Clock

Tin Clock Price: $18 at etsy.com
Another piece of clever recycling here, with a clock made from an old tobacco tin. I guess almost anything can be turned into a clock! Bonus: no loud tick, if you find that annoying.

Which is your favourite clock, and do you like your clock to look good on the wall? Or don't you care what it looks like, as long as it does its job and tells the time?

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I like #7, very cool! :)

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