After the recession, ladies, we’re all feeling the pinch. Our wallets just aren’t as full as they used to be and sensible spending it the order of every day. This means we’ve had to make cut backs in various ‘non-essential’ areas, and unfortunately beauty products tend to fall into this category. But, girls, don’t despair: I’ve compiled this list of effective beauty tips to help you get the most out of the cosmetics you’ve got so you can stay looking glam on the tightest of budgets.
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Keep Your Tights in the Freezer
Photo Credit: SSSH960 Nylons Collector
I know girls, this sounds super-weird, but storing nylon stockings at low temperatures keeps them going for longer and reduces the risk of laddering. If you’re anything like me ladies, you ladder a pair a day and trust me, that can get very expensive.
Ditch the Store-Bought Facial Scrubs
Photo Credit: The Toby
Facial scrubs are great: they buff off dry cells, open the pores and allow skin to breathe. Like all skincare products, however, they can get really pricy. Experts assure us that a handful of plain oatmeal will do the job just as well, and because this natural exfoliant contains no chemical or soaps, it won’t dry out your skin!
Make Your Own Bath Products
Photo Credit: Myles!
A glug of olive oil in your bath works just as well as high-end skin softeners and it’s packed with nourishing antioxidants too. Add a few drops of your favourite perfume for specially scented bath-time bliss.
Get Lemon Fresh
Photo Credit: outoffocus53
Instead of buying a salon-grade nail bleach, or, more costly still, paying for a nail treatment, add a good dose of lemon juice to boiling water and use this as an all-natural nail soak. You’ll be amazed at how well it works!
DIY Cellulite Treatment
Caffeine is the base ingredient in most anti-cellulite creams and lotions. Make your own exfoliating cellulite treatment using coffee grounds and little olive oil. Massage into affected areas in circular motions while you’re showering; beauty experts assure us we won’t be disappointed.
Eighties-Style Home Made Face Pack
Blend avocado, cucumber and a little oatmeal together to make your very own green face pack. DIY beauty was a big deal a few decades ago, and this is a no-fail recipe you’ll love. Put the mixture in the fridge for ten minutes before application for a soothing cool beauty mask that’s packed with Vitamin E.
Hydrating Honey Haircare
Apply honey to the dry and split ends of your hair to restore smoothness and shine. Massage through your damp tresses and leave it in for a few minutes, in the same way you would a hair mask.
Cheaper Can Be Better
Photo Credit:
When it comes to body creams and moisturisers, nine times out of ten the basic, water-based brands are the best. Designer body creams tend to be perfumed, and the alcohol this requires dries out your skin.
Ladies, what do you think? Do you have any budget beauty tips of your own? Share them with the rest of us; I, for one, would love to hear them!
Top Photo Credit: MealCulpaBodyandBath
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