7 Worst Smalltalk Topics ...


There’s good smalltalk and then there is bad smalltalk. What you want to do is avoid that bad smalltalk as much as possible. Of course, the smalltalk that I call bad, may be good in your opinion. Below, I am going to give you some of my ideas on 7 worst smalltalk topics …

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“I Hate My Girlfriend/Boyfriend”

Come on, starting out a conversation with “I hate my girlfriend/boyfriend” with someone that you are interested in, in my opinion, does not sound like a good idea. I mean, if you have never spoken to this person before and you start out with this conversation, what do you think will go through their mind?


“I Hate My Boss”

I don’t think this one would be a good idea. Chances are, they will ask you who your boss is and where you work after this. What do you think they would say if the boss turned out to be their mom, dad or some other relative?


“I’m so Tired”

I don’t know, this one just seems like a lame conversation starter to me. I guess that’s because I don’t like starting off conversations by complaining – it doesn’t set a good impression.


“It’s Cold outside”

It is? You mean, just like it was yesterday? Now, if it’s raining and you like rain, then striking up a conversation and telling them how you like the rain is not so bad.


“when Are You Due?”

Hey, do you think this is a good conversation starter? I am always afraid to ask this question, even if the woman looks obviously pregnant. I mean, what if she really wasn’t pregnant? What if she just had some extra weight? If you do not know the person and don’t know whether she is pregnant or not, then avoid asking this question.


“You Look like My Ex”

I am not sure if they care to hear that they look like your ex girlfriend or boyfriend. I mean, what happened between the two of you? Are you going to want to go out with the individual just because they look like your ex?


How Much Money do Your Make?”

I’m not sure if, when you first meet, it even matters how much the other individual is making. Even if you are going on a first date with the person, you should avoid this question at all costs. If you were to ask this question, it would seem as if you are fishing for a jackpot. You don’t want to look like you are dating a person solely for their money. You do not want to appear to be a gold digger, now do you?

In my opinion, those are the 7 worst smalltalk topics. I guess, it all depends on the type of person you are, but I think you should avoid these topics when you first start talking to someone. So, in your opinion, which one of these topics is the worst? Would you like to add something to my list?

Top Photo Credit: gin_able

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

"I hate my Boss" once ended in a promotion in one of my friends life when she actually said this to his rival.

Most importantly never talk about your ex. especially if he/she mistreated you. Especially if you are in a bad mood. What do you relly expect the other person to say. Here is my impresson of someone talking about there ex "hey guys I have a problem but I dont want you to help me solve it I just want to talk about for 7 hours. ex-es are never small talk.

Everything is so negative... and being negative attracts negative energy

#3 me too

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