7 Ways to Welcome Your Hero Home from Overseas ...


7 Ways to Welcome Your Hero Home from Overseas ...
7 Ways to Welcome Your Hero Home from Overseas ...

My daughter’s boyfriend just returned from Iraq. The minute he stepped off the plan, he hugged my daughter, then fell down on one knee and proposed to her! Of course, she said yes! We are so thankful he came home safe, unharmed, and whole. Here is what we did to make him feel welcome, and let him know how much of a hero he really is.

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We Greeted Him at the Airport

We Greeted Him at the Airport Photo Credit: David Kozlowski

It may not be possible for everyone, but we drove 20 hours to be at the airport when he arrived. We REALLY wanted to be in Maryland when he landed, but we couldn’t make it. We were at the Air Force base when he landed there. If you live close to an airport where troops are brought home, take the time to be there, at least once. It’s a day your will never forget.


Wave Your Flag

Wave Your Flag Photo Credit: ♫ Greg ♫

Show up with flags and signs. Throw confetti, Wave banners. Wear red, white, and blue. Have a regular party! These guys and gals are heroes, even if you do not know them. They have done what you could not do. Thank them for it.


Give Them Freedom

Give Them Freedom Photo Credit: JimmyOKelly

No matter which branch of military your hero is a member of; they will receive R and R when they return from an overseas tour. They may need space. They have been through some unbelievable stuff. Many have seen their friends die, or be wounded. They may have been wounded themselves. They are glad to be home, but they may need space for a while. Do not let your feelings get hurt if they ask for space.


Don’t Leave Them Alone

Don’t Leave Them Alone Photo Credit: Za Rodinu

I know, it may sound like a paradox. But too much alone time could cause depression. He or she may suffer tremendously, especially if they lost a close friend(s), seen a lot of action, or has been severely wounded. Talk to their physician about how much alone time they really need.


Avoid Noise

Avoid Noise Photo Credit: wstera2

Last year, when my daughter’s boyfriend returned from his first tour in Afghanistan, he attended a 4th of July celebration with us. The loud booming of the fireworks was almost more than he could handle. We were celebrating what he had been fighting for; all the while he was reliving what he had been fighting for. ANYTHING loud might trigger memories of a war scene. Be careful what you listen to, even music.


Avoid Crowds

Avoid Crowds Photo Credit: M1ssy

Crowds, lots of people, even celebration parties, could be taxing on your hero. Remember, he has been fighting urban warfare where crowds of people caused great anxiety. A bomb could explode at anytime, so he was constantly on edge while walking through groups of people. Help him adjust to being around friendly people again by slowly introducing crowds again.


Be Loving and Patient

Be Loving and Patient Photo Credit: DFP2746

Your hero may be jittery, jumpy, or nervous. Be patient and loving. He or she has just been through the bravest, hardest thing they may ever face. They may take a long time to feel at peace again. Watch for signs of depression, anger, unhappiness, and just offer your support and love. Some may want to talk about what happened, others might bottle it up inside. Don’t pressure them either way. Just love them.

I hope these suggestions have been helpful. Have you had a hero return from war? What did you do to make them feel loved and appreciated?

Top Photo Credit: David Kozlowski

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