7 Ways for Teens to Make Money ...


7 Ways for Teens to Make Money ...
7 Ways for Teens to Make Money ...

As a teen, it can be difficult to find ways to make money. If mom and dad don’t give you an allowance, or they do, but it’s not “enough”, and if you are too young to get a job working fast food or daycare, here are a few ideas to help you bring in the change!

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Probably one of the first “jobs” that many of us have is babysitting! It’s fun and easy and you don’t have to be 18 in order to do it. If you don’t drive yet, or don’t have a car, you can arrange to be dropped off by someone, or have the parents bring the child to your home. Check with the parents in your neighborhood within walking distance, they may agree to let you walk over and stay with the kids when they need to run errands. Or if you are still a bit young to be alone with kids, they may let you ride along and keep the baby entertained. You could charge $3-$5 an hour depending on your age and the circumstances.


Freelance Write

Freelance Write Photo Credit: bettybl

If you have a creative mind, put it to work! Write short stories or funny jokes and submit them to magazines, or online blogs. You can make up to a hundred dollars doing this! Or even more depending on whom you write for and what you write. Just be sure it doesn’t interfere with schoolwork. You don’t want your grades to suffer!


Sell Stuff on EBay

Sell Stuff on EBay Photo Credit: liewcf

If you have clothes, musical instruments, technical gadgets, or books you don’t want anymore, sell them on eBay! You may need Mom or Dad’s help or permission with this one. Remember to be responsible and polite! If that isn’t an option for you, consider having a garage sale. You can get all your friends together they can pitch in and bring the stuff they don’t want anymore too. You can even make a big pitcher of lemonade to sale!


Tutor or Give Lessons

Do you have a talent? If you can play any kind of instrument or speak another language, consider using your talent to make money! Offer to give lessons to kids in the neighborhood. They can spread the word for you and pretty soon you’ll be rolling in the dough! You can give lessons in anything, from sports such as tennis, ballet, or soccer to things like knitting, baking, crocheting, algebra, art or sign language.



Housesit Photo Credit: Marco Arment

If you know any elderly couples that can’t get around much anymore, here is an excellent way to earn money! Offer to come over and rake the lawn, mow, water plants, paint the fence, or do any kind of chores inside or out that may be difficult for an older person to accomplish any more. I’m sure they would love the company as much as the help it offered, and you would get to help someone out and earn a little extra money on the side!


Take Pictures

Take Pictures Photo Credit: GRACIE CANNELL

Invest in a digital camera and an editing program for your computer. With the help of siblings or friends, practice techniques and modeling poses, and create yourself a portfolio. You can then advertise in your local newspaper or on craigslist, and you may get some business! Digital photography is easy and super fun and by starting out young, you may develop a lifelong career!


Be a Saver

Be a Saver Photo Credit: cupcakes for clara

Ok, this may be a little bit obvious, but I still want to point it out. After all, saving your money eventually adds it up! After you work hard to earn your own money, you may think twice about what you spend it on. Instead of blowing your money on a new top here or a milkshake there, save up until you can afford something you really want or need, like a laptop or an iPod or a trip to Hawaii with your best friend’s family. Then you can feel proud that you made a wise decision with your money!

I hope you found a great idea to help you make some money on the side! Whatever you do, make sure working doesn’t interfere with your schoolwork. You don’t want to fail a class or a grade all for a few extra dollars! Be willing and helpful, and you never know what jobs may fall into your lap!

Top Photo Credit: RichSeattle

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Thanks a lot for amazing tips! let me try it now.

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