7 Tips on Using Twitter for Business ...


7 Tips on Using Twitter for Business ...
7 Tips on Using Twitter for Business ...

I’m sure you heard the fuss about Twitter and how it could increase your business. Well, it can if you do it right. You should hear some tips on how twitter can help increase your business. Here are my 7 Tips on Using Twitter For Business…

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Free Advertiser

Twitter is a free advertising platform that allows you to shout new things about what’s going on in your business. You need tons of followers and a good name for your Twitter.


Shout Sales

Shout Sales Photo Credit: Matt Hamm

If you sell inventory online and offer special discount, you can shout it out to your fellow followers. This can be a fast way to pull traffic to your website. Although, you might want to consider having relevant people following you.


Show up in Google

Show up in Google Photo Credit: manfrys

When you use your name of your business on Twitter, it comes up in Google and helps your customers find out more about your business.


You Can Put Twitter on Your Website

You Can Put Twitter on Your Website Photo Credit: bwana

People that purchase online like to hear the company using social marketing, because they can get a better review of the items you're selling and how legit your business is.


People Can Find Your Business through Twitter

People Can Find Your Business through Twitter Photo Credit: purplelime

If you have your Twitter up and going, you will find yourself having followers. If you have a good name to your business that relates to your items you sell or services you provide you will come up in twitter for people to follow.


Send Messages to Your Followers

Send Messages to Your Followers Photo Credit: CC Chapman

You can send messages to your followers' emails if your shouts don’t go through. Like any other social marketing, you will be able to email market as well with Twitter.


Have a Professional Look

Have a Professional Look Photo Credit: Dplanet::

All companies or businesses need a professional look and using Twitter for it is one way to go. You have other social sites to use as well such as, Facebook or Digg. You will find that using twitter increases profits and services. Also helps people find you more.

If you want to run a business, you have to be up with today’s technology. You should get with the new social network and email marketing. You will see an increase on both sales and services wanted with using twitter. Do you have a Twitter name?

Top Photo Credit: purplelime

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