7 Tips on Staying Safe at a Party ...

Melanie Oct 27, 2010

7 Tips on Staying Safe at a Party ...
7 Tips on Staying Safe at a Party ...

When you go out you can be so wrapped up in having a good time and thinking about all the new people that you will meet, that you forget to think about your safety. Here are 7 tips on staying safe at a party; a lot of them are small and very easy to remember so they will not stop you from having a good time.

7. Leave with the Same Trusted Friend

Leave with the Same Trusted Friend Photo Credit: pintavelloso

Now this is linked to tip number one and is extremely important. When you leave a party leave with the same trusted friend or friends, try not to walk in the dark unless absolutely necessary. Phone a taxi or someone to come and pick all of you up if you are able to do so.

6. Minimalistic Handbag or Purse

Minimalistic Handbag or Purse Photo Credit: Miss Aniela

Wear a handbag or purse that does not draw too much attention, something discrete and small. Also it is important to only take the absolute minimum out with you, for example a small amount of cash and one plastic card as back up. At least this way if someone does run off with your handbag the damage is minimal. In my opinion if someone attempts to take your handbag let them, do not fight because your life is more valuable.

5. If the Place Looks Dodgy, then It Probably is Dodgy

If the Place Looks Dodgy, then It Probably is Dodgy Photo Credit: Ronaldo F Cabuhat

Personally if I turn up at a party that looks dodgy, plus the location is dingy my friends and I turn away. The chances are that if it looks this way then it probably is that way. The same applies for if you are at a party and your instincts start churning, grab your friends and walk away.

4. Try Not to Wander off

Try Not to Wander off Photo Credit: cathygaubert

This is why it is good to go to a party with a trusted friend because they will prevent you from wandering off, especially if you have drank a few too many alcoholic drinks. Always try to stay with groups of people that you are familiar with as your chances of staying safe are increased.

3. Never Accept a Ride Home from a Stranger

Never Accept a Ride Home from a Stranger Photo Credit: /ltus

In my opinion this is extremely important, I know at parties people meet a lot of new people but if you have only just met them do not accept a ride home. Get to know people in groups first of all before going off by yourself.

2. Keep an Eye on Your Drink at All Times

Keep an Eye on Your Drink at All Times Photo Credit: Glorious Treats

It can be so easy to place your drink on a table out of sight and someone comes along and drops some form of drug into it. This is not a nice experience for anyone, so always keep your drink in your hand at all times. If you do have to leave your drink out of sight for any amount of time then buy a new drink.

1. Go with at Least One Close and Well Trusted Friend

Go with at Least One Close and Well Trusted Friend Photo Credit: Abby Lanes

Whenever you go to a party always invite at least one close and well trusted friend to go with you, the more of you the better. This friend will watch out for you and you will do the same for them, you do not have to be attached to each others hip but at least try to stay in close proximity.

There you have 7 tips on staying safe at a party, the main tip is to stay with others that you consider to be close and trusted friends. Also if you feel that things are not right then listen to your instincts to be on the safe side. Do you go to parties regularly?

Top Photo Credit: krossbow

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