Halo reach has been out for about a month or two and its time that I gave my tips to helping you earn the most credits and beating the game on the hardest setting. Halo has been a very good story from the start and gets even better with reach. Please read my 7 Tips on Playing Halo Reach …
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7. Team up with Friends
Photo Credit: commorancy
If you have friends on your x box live list, you should consider teaming up with them if they have reach. Up to four people can play the campaign. The more players the more chances you have on beating legendary hard setting.
6. Use the Skulls
Photo Credit: commorancy
The Skulls help you gain more points in campaign and firefight mode. This helps you earn more credits per stage. However, its harder the more skulls you use. Some skulls increase the enemy’s health, Ai difficulty, and accuracy ability.
5. Use Plasma Grenades for Fast Kills
Photo Credit: commorancy
It takes a bit of practice to get it right, but once you get it you will increase your kills on multiplayer match making. If you get killed, throw one of these and you may get your attack. Key to all kills in halo is throwing grenades in the middle of groups fighting amongst themselves or flushing a enemy out.
4. Don’t Go Rouge on Team Battles
Photo Credit: commorancy
Going rouge don’t help team battles or even team doubles. You should work with your partner and make the best of the team. One can hide and the other move around to draw the enemy into a trap. Works best with the sword or shotgun.
3. Play Invasion Slayer
Photo Credit: commorancy
Invasion slayer is the basic big team slayer, but you have to earn your vehicles and nice weapons. You also have tons of people to kill. You have to get to 75 multiplayer kills to win the game. If you have a routine for each stage you will at least do 15 or 20 kills depending on how good you are. Get a lot of points for invasion slayer.
2. Avoid Objective Games
Photo Credit: commorancy
The objectives games don’t give you squat for points. Games like infection, odd ball or even safe heaven is worth the time. You might get 10 or 12 kills if that. Plus you spend a lot of time on one game.
1. Do Your Challenges
Photo Credit: commorancy
You should complete at least one or two challenges per day to get at least 1500 or 2000 credits. This also helps you complete weekly challenges. Each day means different challenges and helps you keep playing the game more.
This ends my advice on Halo reach. This game can be for everyone and great for the family to play. You can have up to 4 player split screen on multiplayer. However, to play campaign you must have two other players online to make it four players total. Do you play halo reach?
Top Photo Credit: salendron