7 Tips on How to Handle a Moody Person ...

Melanie Dec 14, 2010

7 Tips on How to Handle a Moody Person ...
7 Tips on How to Handle a Moody Person ...

It can be really difficult when you come into contact with someone that constantly experiences mood swings. Here are 7 tips on how to handle a moody person.

7. Show the Moody Person What It is like to Be on the Receiving End

Show the Moody Person What It is like to Be on the Receiving End Photo Credit: HibouCards

This is not to be done in a malicious way but sometimes showing the person exactly what it is like to be surrounded by a moody person all the time can help the situation. When that person sees what it is like they are able to see from your point of view.


When trying to handle a moody person, it is important to remember that they may not be aware of their behavior and its effect on others. It is important to be patient and understanding and to be willing to have an open dialogue.

It can be helpful to show the moody person what it is like to be on the receiving end of their moods. This can be done in a non-judgmental way by simply mirroring their behavior back to them. For example, if the moody person is being short with you, you can respond in kind without being aggressive or hostile.

It is also important to set boundaries. It is okay to let the moody person know that their behavior is not acceptable and that it is making you uncomfortable. You can also suggest activities or strategies that may help them cope with their moods in a healthier way.

Finally, it is important to remember that moods can be contagious. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the mood of the person you are trying to help, take a break. Take a few deep breaths, go for a walk, or do something else to help you relax and refocus.

6. Take Time to Relax

Take Time to Relax Photo Credit: ღPRINCE ★ MO0ODAღ BB 20FDDDA8

If you are constantly surrounded by a moody person, whether it is a family member or work colleague, it is important to take some time away from them. In my opinion, it is important that you make sure you relax and unwind away from them. This will help make sure that you look after yourself first.

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5. Continue as You Normally Would

Continue as You Normally Would Photo Credit: .TatianaSapateiro.

Tip two mentions that you keep yourself happy and this tip adds on to this. You should try to act exactly how you normally would and do not pay their moodiness any attention. In my opinion in some cases people have a reason behind their behaviour but in others they behave in a way to get the most attention.

4. Politely Let Them Know

Politely Let Them Know Photo Credit: syamastro

Be polite when doing this, tell the person that is constantly having mood swings how they are behaving. You may find that the person is completely unaware of how they are acting and once you have told them they will look into changing their behaviour. They may even open up to you and let you know what it is that is causing them to act that way.


Choose an appropriate time and setting to have the conversation; never bring it up when they are in the midst of a mood swing or in a public space that could cause embarrassment. Approach the subject with sensitivity and use "I" statements to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, you might say, “I've noticed you've been a bit up and down lately, and I'm concerned. Is there anything you'd like to talk about or anything I can do to support you?” This can help create a safe space for dialogue and potentially illuminate reasons behind their moodiness.

3. Consider Why They May Be Moody

Consider Why They May Be Moody Photo Credit: Benedyct Antifer

When confronted by a moody person the majority of us like to blame it on the person by saying things like they are miserable. We often do not even consider that the person may be going through a tough time; they could be experiencing relationship problems, bereavement or something else just as stressful.

2. Keep Yourself Happy

Keep Yourself Happy Photo Credit: Shana Rae {Florabella Collection}

It can be really difficult when a person around you is moody but it is important to try to keep yourself happy. Often people find that if they maintain their happiness it will bring the other person out of their mood, so no matter what try to remain positive and upbeat.

1. It is Not Your Fault

It is Not Your Fault Photo Credit: Benedyct Antifer

Some people feel the need to blame themselves when another person is constantly moody around them but you should not do this. It is not your fault that this person does have mood swings and in my opinion this is the most important thing to bear in mind.

There you have 7 tips on how to handle a moody person. Sometimes it can be very difficult to deal with a moody person but hopefully these will help and are to be used as starting points.

Top Photo Credit: Cakau ♥

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