7 Tips on Coming up with Blog Ideas ...

By Melanie4 Comments

7 Tips on Coming up with Blog Ideas ...

I come up with many blog ideas each week. Not only do I come up with my own blog ideas here on AllWomenStalk.com, but since I am a fulltimefreelance writer, I also have to come up with them for many other clients along with myself. Once you have came up with a hundred of them, is there any sanity left? Sure there is and as long as the world spins, you will always be able to come up with new blog ideas. Below, I am going to give you 7 tips on coming up with blog ideas…

7 Write Your Ideas down Every Time You Come up with One

Write Your Ideas down Every Time You Come up with One Photo Credit: mtyto

I can be sitting there playing avideo game and a blog idea pops in my mind. I immediately write it down. If I do not write it down, then I will not remember it later. So, unless you are driving down the road, when that idea pops in your mind, write it down!

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6 Read the News

Read the News Photo Credit: fnkymnky

I know this one sounds weird, but when I’m reading the news and looking through headlines, I come up with blog ideas. It seems like the news headlines gets my mind going. For example, the other day, I was reading the news and read about the oil spill. Then, I wrote an article about the oil spill and the problems it will cause in the future.

5 Watch Talk Shows

Watch Talk Shows Photo Credit: Get Peek

I know, you may not want to watch talk shows and I don’t like watching them myself, but when I’m doing articles during the week, each morning, I put Rachel Ray on the television. She does have some good ideas and has helped me come up with many blogs. For example, she made me think of “7 Easy to do Recipes at Home…”

4 Ask a Friend for Some Ideas

Ask a Friend for Some Ideas Photo Credit: miqul

If you have totally run out of ideas, then just ask your friendif he or she could share some ideas with you. The ideas they give you will get you rolling again.

3 When I Surf the Web, I Find Ideas

When I Surf the Web, I Find Ideas Photo Credit: manfrys

It’s easy for me to come up with ideas, because throughout the week, I work on hundreds of articles (that is no lie), so when I’m doing research for a client's articles, I am also working to come up with ideas on blogs at the same time. Every time I find something, I either book mark it in my folder called “blog ideas” and go back to it later or I write it down. Either way works for me. Since I also write hundreds of articles and blog posts a week from clients who give me keywords from their own mind, those keywords also give me ideas on blogs to write.

2 Pull Ideas from Your Everyday Life

Pull Ideas from Your Everyday Life Photo Credit: algo

Have you had experiences in your life that you have wanted to tell other people about? If so, then why not put it in a blog? Do you have animals and you want to tell others how to take careof them? Then write blogs about it. What is the next upcoming holiday? Write about it.

1 My Final Advice

My Final Advice Photo Credit: piapest (studying)

If you like pop culture, then try writing about your favorite actors/actresses. If you like music, then write about songs to listen to in your car. There are so many blogs you can write about that pertains to music. What are some good bands from the 80’s? You could write a rant on what bothers you the most. Find hilarious pictures and talk about how funny they are.

You see, no matter who or where you are, you can come up with blogs. I never really have problems coming up with blogs, but there have been a couple of times where I have stumbled for a couple of minutes – then, I ask my husband for some ideas and he gets my mind going again. If you find yourself having problems, then don’t give up on doing it. So, which blogs do you write for and do you get paid for doing it?

Top Photo Credit: dailyartmasomenos

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