7 Tips on Caring for a Hamster ...


I am a big animal lover and I like to write blogs about them. You have probably noticed my blogs on caring for bearded dragons and iguanas. Well, it’s time to write a blog on 7 tips on caring for a hamster. Remember, before you get a hamster, you need to be ready to take on the responsibility that comes...


Watch Where You Place the Cage

Watch Where You Place the Cage Photo Credit: Jamie_Leung

Where are you going to place the hamsters cage? Make sure you place the cage out of direct sunlight and away from drafts. You should pick somewhere in your home where you will visit your hamster frequently.


Keep the Hamster Supplied with Clean Water

It is important that you keep the hamster supplied with a clean bottle of water. Get the type that attaches to the side of a cage and they can go to the nozzle to get it out. Just placing a bowl of water in the cage won’t work. It is important to refill the bottle daily.


Give Them Enough Chew Toys

Give Them Enough Chew Toys Photo Credit: williamhartz

Hamsters need to have chew toys for their teeth. They love to chew on things. You can buy special chew toys in the pet store. These toys have been designed specifically for hamsters.


Your Hamster Needs Something to Sleep in

Your Hamster Needs Something to Sleep in Photo Credit: justingaynor

You need to make something in the cage for the hamster to sleep in. If you do not want to make something, then you could buy a igloo for your hamster in the pet store. Hamsters really like the igloo-shaped houses to hide in.


Don’t Forget to Feed Your Hamster

It is important that you feed your hamster. They make food just for your hamster. Feed them once or twice a day. Give them a small supply of fresh vegetables and fruits. They also make snacks for hamsters. When you give them new food, introduce it slowly like you would a dog. This is so their system can get used to it.


The Hamster Needs Exercise

The Hamster Needs Exercise Photo Credit: sualk61

Don’t forget that the hamster needs to exercise! They love to run around on those exercise wheels that you can put in their cage. When they are outside of their cage, you can put them in a plastic hamster ball, which you can get in hamster stores. This will give protection around them as they run.


Do Not Bathe Your Hamster

Do Not Bathe Your Hamster Photo Credit: Miss Shari

Do not bathe your hamster. They clean themselves. If you believe they smell bad, then the odor is more than likely coming from their dirty cage. It is important that you keep the hamsters cage clean. There you have 7 tips on caring for a hamster. Hamsters are fun animals to play with and they can make exciting pets. I always liked having hamsters. So, do you like hamsters?

Top Photo Credit: pyza*

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Aww this makes me miss my Siberian Dwarf hamsters! :(

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