To start this blog to a fresh start, I want to give you some reasons why to get the Sony PSP for this holiday season or for any occasion. There isn’t a time my husband travels without this little handy device, because it does a lot compared to most gaming devices. Let me give you 7 Reasons You Need a PSP …
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7. The PSP Has WIFI and Internet Browser!
Photo Credit: Josh Bancroft
This tool comes in handy for a quick searches on the Internet or searching for reviews when shopping. The Sony PSP has a built in wireless that connects to most Wi-Fi routers. You also can check your email and purchase items from most online stores. This is a very handy tool when you travel and easy to carry compared to laptops.
6. You Can Watch Movies
Photo Credit: haven't the slightest
The PSP is a handy tool when it comes to traveling, because of the movie features. The PSP can read both UMD type movies and MP4 files from the Internet. No mods needed, just need the movie to be formatted to mp4.
5. It Has Internet Radio
Photo Credit: digitalbear
As one of the best features I like that’s free for the PSP, would be the Internet radio. You would be surprised on what new music that I come across, when using this feature. All you need to do is find the app and download it. The PSP will have the app ready to be installed in the menu.
4. PSP Games Are Cheap
Photo Credit: Klingonka
PSP games can be very cheap and affordable for most of the games they have out. New games that come out are no more then 40$, which makes it excellent for your kids. The movies cost no more then 20$ and you will find a huge selection.
3. Playstation Network
Photo Credit: XenonPulse
The Playstation network allows you to download free demos, purchase games and get the latest comics today. You also get to buy movies and rent them as well. When you go to purchase these features, you need to put money into your Playstation account. You can do that 2 ways. Pay with your debit/credit card or buy Playstation network cards at game stores and retail stores. You can only buy them with 20$ or 50$ cards.
Photo Credit: Reikax
The PSP go is the ultimate PSP to buy today. You have many models to choose from, but the PSP go is the latest. The small style makes it pocket sized for easy caring and being more useful.
1. Play and Share
Photo Credit: ryo59plus
Instead of buying the game twice to play with a friend, they simply share the game. The PSP is ready to play with more than one PSP, as long as the other PSPs are in range. The sharing allows the other people to play without the game, through a small download. The Nintendo DS has this feature, but has limitations compared to the PSP.
I would choose a PSP for an older child and avoid younger children, because of the mature games and how the PSP is designed. The PSP is huge compared to the Nintendo DS. They also can crack the PSP easy and ruin the joy stick. However, since the PSP has Internet and other features that are beyond the child’s mind, to allow them to choose the DS over the PSP. Do you own a PSP and enjoy the features?
Top Photo Credit: Scott Nicol