7 Reasons to Use Youtube ...


7 Reasons to Use Youtube ...
7 Reasons to Use Youtube ...

I feel YouTube is one of the best websites around for not only entertainment purposes, but for many other reasons as well. There isn't another site on the web that can come close to comparing to it. Here are my 7 reasons to use YouTube. I'm sure you have some reasons of your own, so please feel free to share them in the comment section.

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There Are Plenty of Videos for Hours and Hours of Personal Entertainment

I've bookmarked many videos just because they made me laugh. I like to have certain videos on hand so that they can make me smile any time of the day. It's also nice to share fun videos with friends and family members. The number of views some of the videos on YouTube receive are phenomenal. I can't believe some of the shortest and simplest videos have hundreds of millions of views.


Your Videos Can Be Used as a Resume

This is a tactic that many actors use. They will write, produce, and star in a short film and then place a video of the film on their YouTube channel. Singers can also use their personal channel as a resume in a similar fashion, but with videos of them singing songs instead of acting. If you are an aspiring actor or singer, then you will be able to quickly direct potential employers to your YouTube channel so they can see what you are capable of.


Uploading Videos is Easy to do

As long as you have a camera that is capable of connecting to the computer you should be able to upload videos fairly easily. You don't even have to own a high quality camera, although it does help out a lot when trying to entice people to view your videos. Poor quality videos are more likely to receive fewer views than those that are done well. Uploading a video to YouTube takes a few simple steps, and then you sit back and wait while the video is uploaded to your channel.


You Can Meet New People

What better way to meet some fun people than through YouTube. There are some real characters on this website and many are more than willing to answer any questions you might have. This is one way to ask questions about something YouTube related to someone who can actually help.


It’s a Lot of Fun!

It's fun to start your own channel. It's also fun to download your personal videos. I even think just perusing the multitude of videos already on YouTube is an utter blast. There's nothing boring about this website at all. If you find it boring, then you must not have found the right video!


You Can Earn Money

Viewing videos that other people have created won't make you rich, but you can earn some cash through YouTube when you become a partner. The hard part about this feat is that you have to be asked to become a partner. Someone at YouTube will send you an invite and you have to either accept or decline this offer.


It is a Great Way to Bring out the Creativity You Always Knew You Had

Expressing yourself through a video is a fun way to show the world your more creative side. The nice thing about producing creative videos on your personal YouTube channel is that you are able to delete them at any time. So, you can try your hand at being creative and original and then get rid of the video if you don't feel the feedback is what you were expecting.

These 7 reasons to use YouTube are just some personal ones that I have. If you have some different ones of your own that you'd like to add, feel free to post them below. What is the number one reason you like using YouTube?

Top Photo Credit: francescominciotti

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

It is almost impossible not to use Youtube these days. Half the time I search for something a video shows up. Not to mention all the how to videos. Youtube really comes in handy.

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