Do you know anything some interesting mythical god facts that are based in Greece or Rome? There are many mystical stories about these gods and there is different gods for different regions. Please read my 7 Most Interesting Myth God Facts …
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7. Hera (Wife of Zeus) Sacred Animals Are
Photo Credit: magnum_lady
Hera is the wife of Zeus and she had some sacred animals. The peacock and the Cow was her special sacred animals that she liked to enjoy.
6. Prometheus is the Thief of the Gods
Photo Credit: quapan
Prometheus is known to steal from many different gods. He is the master thief that stole from almost every god known. He was also the smartest of the gods and he was a titan.
6. Artemis is Immune to Aphrodite’s Love Powers
Photo Credit: greekgeek
Aphrodite has some very eluding powers that can capture any mortal or immortal love in no time at all. However, for Artemis he is immune to the power of her love.
5. Zeus Has a Baby Goddess inside His Head
Photo Credit: Danger the Shark
Zeus is very weird for having a goddess inside his head and they found out when Hephaestus used an axe to cut open zeus’s head. This is too weird isn’t it? Well, most mythology stories are weird and have weird stories to go along with them.
4. Does Apollo Play This Bad?
Photo Credit: ElissaSCA
When it came to Apollo the god of music or the sun entering a music contest he played so bad that the god grew donkey ears. I guess he played so bad that he became a jackass for competing? Very good interesting fact I’ve heard.
3. Hestia Only Became an Olympain for
Photo Credit: ikamala89
Hestia was the oldest child of the titans and only became an Olympian for being a child of the Titans. Being the oldest child, she ruled over all the other siblings.
2. Hades is Uncle to Almost All Gods
Photo Credit: h.koppdelaney
Hades is the god of the underworld and cares for souls only. He is the uncle of most of the gods and doesn’t care for anything but the underworld. Hades has been known to mess with most of his brothers and wants to steal the ruler spot of Zeus.
1. Poseidon Got Married to a Nymph
Photo Credit: h.koppdelaney
You wouldn’t think the god of the sea would be married to a land creature. These nymphs are minor gods that takes care of nature and respects it. They also are female and live near rivers and grottoes.
When I was a kid I enjoyed learning about mythology and interesting facts about gods in general. I enjoyed writing this blog and shared a few interesting facts that I’ve learned over my time. Do you know any other interesting facts to tell?
Top Photo Credit: pashasha
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