7 Foods to Avoid for Whiter Teeth ...


7 Foods to Avoid for Whiter Teeth ...
7 Foods to Avoid for Whiter Teeth ...

Most of us take vbery good care of our teeth, visiting the dentist regularly, and brushing and flossing often. Some of us may even have invested in braces or teeth whitening. I know i just can't seem to get my teeth white enough! When I complined to m dentist about this, he asked me about the foods I eat and the beverages I drink, and sure enough, a lot of them were staining my teeth! Yikes! So here's my list of the seven foods my dentist told me to avoid so I could have whiter, brighter teeth!

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Coffee Photo Credit: KY-Photography

But I love coffee, don't you? Unfortunately, it's one of the worst culprits, staining teeth even if you have just a little. If you can't stay away from it entirely, try swishig with a mouth rinse after, or just plain water.



Tea Photo Credit: mariyamboo

Not tea, too! If I can't have coffee, I should at least be able ot have tea! Green or white teas, or just herbal infusions (called teasans) won't stain your teeth, but black teas will, so avoid them if you can!



Chocolate Photo Credit: Rebeca Mello

Well, I won't be giving up chocolate any time soon, but at least now I'm aware that it might be staining my teeth. If yo want whiter teeth, and don't mind giving up a treasured, favorite indulgence, my dentist recommended avoiding chocolate, too.



Blueberries Photo Credit: MeetaK

The juice and skin of blueberries is a natural semi-permanent dye, so it follows that if you eat many of them, your teeth will be stained. The good news is that the staining isn't permenent. The bad news is that it's... blue...


Colas (even Diet!)

Colas (even Diet!) Photo Credit: juan carlos ramirez fotografía

Colas (like Coke and Pepsi) are another horrible teeth staining agent. Not only that, they're loaded with sugar, acid, and all kinds of other things that can wreak havoc on your teeth and gums. If you want whiter teeth, avoid colas for sure!


Fruit Punch

Fruit Punch Photo Credit: _oriana.italy_[on/off]

If you've ever seen what fruit punch can do to a white shirt, then you already know that it stains. In fact, it's not just fruit punch, it's any colored fruit juices or fruit drinks. Even some fruits, like dark purple or black grapes.



Cigarettes! Photo Credit: Samer M

Okay, I know this isn't a food, but it is something you put in your mouth that causes horrible teeth staining, another great reason to quit! The staining from cigarettes is permanent, yellow, disgusting, and telling, and it gives you bad breath. Ick!

Make a mental note of all of these items and try to avoid them if you want whiter teeth with no stains. Also, try wearing red lipstick, since this makes your teeth look whiter, too! Do you know of any other foods to avoid for whiter teeth? Please let me know, so I can avoid them, too!

Top Photo Credit: lovefann

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Well, I didn't know about the blueberries or the fruit punch! I will try and avoid them but Im not sure if I'll manage the choclolate bit lol! I heard that lemon juice is meant to whiten teeth if it helps. xx

this is sooooooo cool i m gona try it

I am so addicted to my lattes, I just can't give up! :) Although, I do need to whiten my teeth every other week with Colgate whitening kit my dentist gave me to keep them white. But it's so worth it! PS: drinking a cup of double espresso with milk as I am typing... LOL! Maybe I do need to cut back on caffeine after all :)

F all that noise. I love me some coffee in the morning or mid-morning. It's hot, malty, delicious.... mmm. I drink the good stuff too, not Folgers or any of that big grocery store crap. But, my teeth are stained from smoking for 15 years. I haven't had money for the dentist and I am uninsured. I quit smoking a year and a half ago and I brush my teeth after my morning cup of coffee.

The prospect of having a mouthful of shiny, white teeth is indeed tempting but I am not giving up on my chocolate or coffee anytime soon either! :D @Olga, Colgate whitening kit? Now that, I may just have to try out. That way I get to keep the chocolate and the coffee and have white teeth too!

I used to have spots underneath my teeth. I really hated them! I stopped drinking coffee and so much tea. I learned some other great ways to be energetic without coffee like take a gram of Vitamin C in the morning! Not only does it make me energetic but it's good for my immune system. I also learned that coffee depletes the immune system. I used to get asthma attacks but ever since I stopped coffee and sugar, I haven't had one in 2 years!!!! And I have whiter teeth :D 2 birds with one stone (what a horrible expression LOL)

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