7 Different Kinds of Love ...

Alison Aug 4, 2010

When people talk of love, they often use it purely in the sense of love between a couple. Yet there are many forms of love that enrich our lives, some of which we barely notice. So it’s time to look around you and realize just how much you have in your life.

1. Partners

Partners Photo Credit: eyebex As I’ve said, this is the obvious one, and arguably the most intense. When you love a partner, it goes through many changes, beginning with the honeymoon stage and with luck (and a lot of work) evolving into long-term security. And it’s not just for the young! Doesn’t your heart lift when you see an elderly couple holding hands?

2. Children

Children Photo Credit: nascity What parent doesn’t feel a fierce, protective love for their children? They need you even when they’re adults, and having a chubby pair of arms flung around your neck just makes you feel so happy.

3. Family

Family Photo Credit: camera_rwanda Sadly, not all siblings can get along, but when you truly love each other it’s an incredibly rewarding relationship. My sisters and I would always be there for each other if one of us was in need. I really can’t imagine a world without them.

4. Friends

Friends Photo Credit: Russ Beinder In this age of instant ‘friendship’ on the internet, true friends seem hard to find. Yet they are out there. If you have friends who love and accept you for who you are, who never criticize or judge and always support you when you need it, they are to be cherished.

5. Pets

Pets Photo Credit: melting dolls If there’s one thing that infuriates me, it’s hearing the phrase ‘it’s only an animal’. Oh no it isn’t. Letting an animal into your heart is amazing, they give you years of companionship and are worth every penny and every moment. My cat is one of the best things in my life. Just a cat? I think not.

6. Religion

Religion Photo Credit: Sara Heinrichs (awfulsara) Religion is a powerful force when used for good, and whatever you believe in, it is a very pure love. If you believe in one God or several or, like pagans, love Mother Earth, this can provide great consolation in difficult times and also make your daily life peaceful and happy.

7. Yourself

Yourself Photo Credit: Amanda♫ It’s usually considered egotistical to love yourself, but as is often said, how can you love someone else if you don’t love yourself? A healthy self-respect will also help you avoid making mistakes with other people, and be happy in yourself. Can you think of any other forms of love? How many people in your life do you truly love? Top Photo Credit: Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton

Feedback Junction

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How about love of great bloggers! ;) xxxxxx


This is so true! I love it!

love love, LOVE this article! <3

Lovely post on love.

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