7 Bizarre Gifts from My Cats ...

Alison Feb 25, 2011

7 Bizarre Gifts from My Cats ...
7 Bizarre Gifts from My Cats ...

Anyone who has cats will have experienced that delightful moment when they realise that their beloved moggy has dumped a dead mouse on the doorstep/rug/pillow. What they may not realise is that puss thinks it is doing them a favour. To him, we are hopeless hunters, and therefore he is showing his concern for our welfare by bringing us the food that we cannot provide for ourselves. Some cats don’t stop at birds and mice though …

1. Leaves

My big cat has a distinctive vocabulary, and I’ve learned to recognise the miaow that means ‘I’ve brought you something and it’s on the doormat’. Obviously, her instinct to take care of her hopeless human is so strong that she is compelled to bring me gifts – even if all she can find is a leaf that’s blown onto the terrace.

2. Cockroaches

I nearly died the first time my cat brought me a dead cockroach – which wasn’t actually dead (it was once I whacked it with a broom though). Subsequently I discovered that cats are actually extremely efficient cockroach killers, which is very useful when you live in a hot climate. And if the cat doesn’t get them, the broom will.

3. Socks

Now, this is an extremely useful service performed by my cat. Invariably, when I bring in the laundry I fail to notice that I’ve dropped a sock en route. My lovely feline does notice, and when she finds a dropped sock she picks it up and brings it to me. Now if she could only match up the odd socks …

4. Birds

This might not sound like a particularly strange gift for a cat to bring in. Unless, as I used to, you live in a fourth floor flat with a very small terrace. I can only assume that the bird stunned itself by flying into a window, and that said cat did not waste the opportunity. Fortunately, the bird was rescued from the jaws of death and lived to tweet another day.

5. Sanitary Towels

I’m not quite sure how I get across to my cat that I do not require her to liberate sanitary towels from the packet and bring them to me. Knowing the determination of cats, if I hid them somewhere out of reach she’d still get to them. I am just praying that she does not do this in front of a really hot date.

6. Feathers

Lacking access to entire birds, my cat does the next best thing. If she finds a stray feather on the terrace, she brings that to me. Perhaps if I wait long enough, I’ll have enough to stuff a pillow.

7. Bottle Tops

Both my cats love playing with plastic bottle tops. One of them actually bats it back and forth between her front paws, as if playing football by herself. Sometimes they like to bring one to me – perhaps it amuses them to make me play with it.

I’ve heard of cats bringing in some even stranger objects, so what is the oddest gift that your cat has ever brought you?

Top Photo Credit: Hotash

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

We had to give our cat to my mother-in-law when we were moving, since pets were not allowed in the new condo and my husband's mom lived in a huge house AND loved animals. So our little guy went from a never-been-outside apartment pussy cat to a wild-and-free king of the jungle in just a matter of weeks! He faught every cat in the neighborhood, got a couple of girlfriends (although he is steril!) and got even bigger and furrier than he's ever been when living in an apartment. Now almost every morning he lives a mouse at the door mat of my mother-in-law after his early morning hunting. God only knows where he finds those poor little things! She sure wishes he rather helped with the socks.

My old cat from years ago brought home a rat, must've eaten the head and left the rest on our back porch. Unfortunately everyone else in the household had weak stomachs so I was the one who got stuck cleaning up after him. So gross..

A mole, xD dam cat.

Ha Ha. My orange boy brought me a gift a few years ago. I woke up to see him batting something around and tossing it up in the air. I wiped my eyes and focused. Then I let our a scream of "drop it". My cat gave me the most innocent look. He also looked a little hurt because I was not happy with his gift of a little mouse. Once I got him away from it, I had to dispose of the dead little animal. Let's just say that I would rather not have to relive that.

When I was about 11 my pet cat left a half eaten mouse on my dad's windshield. After we saw it she cocked her head like she was saying "Did you like my gift?"

ma kitty gifted me live spider once...bigger one...droped it ryt in ma palm...i ws more terrified thn happy..lolz

Our cat once brought home a wild rabbit to its kittens.No idea how it managed to catch one.

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