5 Gray to Lift up Your Day...


5 Gray to Lift up Your Day...
5 Gray to Lift up Your Day...

Look at pretty Diya in this ruffly gray blouse. I love how she paired it with the purple skirt. I just bought shoes in purple and I have been scratching my head what to wear with them. This outfit gives me inspirations.

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Take a look at item number 7. Enough to keep you warm but it still looks so chic, doesn't it? I have something similar and it has accompanied me in many recent outings.


Ever considered following a gray palette for your house? That may sound dull but with the right accents, you might just end up with an inviting place.


Courtesy of Forever21 and looking so cute! Check out the third item on the link. I am thinking that it will be perfect with a plain white tank top. And my purple shoes?


Leather and Gray

Check out this gray belt worn by E. Who knew the color will look great with taupe? The girls are doing a fun week of mixing neutrals so head on over to Academichic.

Top Photo Credit: Andross

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Those floral gray shorts are cute! And yes, they would look awesome with a white top and purple shoes!

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