5 Celeb News - Britney's Abs Paris in Aspen Christina's Son Joaquin's a Rapper and Kelly's Arrested...Oh My


5 Celeb News - Britney's Abs Paris in Aspen Christina's Son Joaquin's a Rapper and Kelly's Arrested...Oh My
5 Celeb News - Britney's Abs Paris in Aspen Christina's Son Joaquin's a Rapper and Kelly's Arrested...Oh My

Sometimes it's very difficult to keep our eyes away from the exciting lives that celebrities have. If it's not on the television, then we check out the magazines at the grocery stores, and if that isn't good enough we get our fix online.

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Britney Spears is Back on Tour and so Are Her Abs...

Britney Spears is Back on Tour and so Are Her Abs... To let everyone know that she is back in shape and now has her head on straight, Spears had photos posted on her site from her first rehearsal for her upcoming tour. I think she wants her fans to know that when her abs are back so is Britney Bitch! Will you buy tickets to Spears’ concert? (Via Britney Shows Off Her Tour ...)

Exercises to Fit Every Shape and Size


Celebrities Are Back in Town in Apsen...

Celebrities Are Back in Town in Apsen... Which can only mean one thing…The Sundance Film Festival has arrived. Why else would they allow themselves to be cold? Of coarse, even if you don’t have a movie to premiere, like Paris Hilton who was there with her new BFF Brittany Flickinger, you have to go to Sundance just to show off your great fashion sense. Celebrities who were there to promote a movie were Ben Affleck for “Reporter“, Jim Carrey for “I Love You Philip Morris“ in which he plays lover to Ewan McGregor, Ashton Kutcher for “Spread“, and Amy Poehler along with Parker Posey and Rachel Dratch for “Spring Breakdown”. (Via thesuperficial.com)

17 Worst Dressed Celebrities …


Christina Aguilera and Husband Jordan Bratman Celebrate Son's 1st Birthday...

Christina Aguilera and Husband Jordan Bratman Celebrate Son's 1st Birthday... Their son Max Liron Bratman’s 1st birthday, which was official on January 12, was celebrated in a world full of fantasy. 40 guests including Nicole Richie and Joel Madden, who brought their one year old daughter Harlow Winter, rocked the party’s theme Where the Wild Things Are with special characters from the children’s book. What are some theme parties you will have for your children’s birthdays? (Via Gossip Girl Homepage)

20 Cutest Celebrity Kids…


What Has Hollywood Done to Joaquin Phoenix?

First he said “Bye Good” to his acting career and announced that he was retiring to pursue a musical career. And just when we thought that might be a good idea after watching “Walk the Line”, Phoenix showcased his rapping abilities in Las Vegas. I’m not quite sure what has happened to him, but I know this isn’t the Phoenix from “Gladiator” and “Ladder 49” that fans fell in love with. Hopefully he doesn’t follow into the footsteps of his brother River. What do you think about talent, is he the next LL Cool J?


Kelly Osbourne is Making Daddy and Mommy Proud Once Again...

Kelly Osbourne is Making Daddy and Mommy Proud Once Again... Maybe mommy should put her through “Charm School“, because this little girl has been arrested from charges filed against her from gossip columnist** Zoe Griffin**. Back in August of 2008 Griffin called Osbourne’s fiancé,** Luke Worrall,** stupid. Well anyone should know better than to mess with an Osbourne. Kelly couldn’t contain herself, so in loving defense of her fiance’s honor she slapped Griffin. For now, Osbourne has been released on bail and is due back to court in March. Was she arrested because her name is Kelly Osbourne or is a slap too harsh for anyone?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Britney: Get out limelight, enjoy life a little & oh yeah, BE A PARENT!! As for Kelly, I'd NEVER slap anyone for dissin' my other half; I'd punch them straight in their big, fat, opinionated mouth!! Xtina's kid turns 1?? Who the hell cares?! A million kids turned 1 all over the world & millions are starving & dying while they have 'Wild Things' party for a kid who doesn't have a bloody clue about any of it. Just take him to McDonalds like most ppl do!! These ppl are nobody's - entertainers at best - so bloody what? They earn attention & millions while ppl are dying in senseless wars & diseases. I wish a whole would open up & swallow Hollywood once and for all. A mob of self-indulgent tossers with more money than brains! But kudos Kelly; you stick up for your man! The woman was lucky that's ALL she got. In the land of the free (cough cough), arrested for a SLAP?? But it's perfectly acceptable for anyone & everyone to carry a gun if they so choose?! Of course, now it makes sense ... NON-SENSE that is!!! Bunch of hypocrites!!! **SO love Joaquin!! He's having the biggest laugh at everyone elses expense!! Love it.

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