I Want a Boyfriend and I'm Going to Get One ...

Laura Sep 25, 2021

I Want a Boyfriend and I'm Going to Get One ...
I Want a Boyfriend and I'm Going to Get One ...

Do you feel like you’ve been single forever? Do you feel like you scroll through social media and find yourself sad and envious of those in relationships, engaged, getting married, etc. and you feel stagnate in life? If you ever sit and think I want a boyfriend, you've come to the right place. Here are my top ten tips on how to get a boyfriend...

1. Remember That Being Single is Okay

If you are frantically waiting for that special someone, you might be coming across as desperate and that is instantly off-putting to guys. Take some time to enjoy yourself, and remember why you are so amazing. If you love yourself you make it much easier for others to love you too.

2. Think about Who You Want

Now you know who you are, think about what you want. Write down what is really important out of a mate and what can be negotiated. This will stop you settling for anything, and ensure that you look for people who you could actually have a future with!

3. Spread Your Wings!

Join a club that you love, get involved in a sport, learn a new skill. Don’t join just because you expect to meet people, join to enjoy yourself, boost your confidence, and act as a distraction while you are waiting for Mr. Right!

4. Be Confident

Been checking out that guy for a while? Go and introduce yourself. No other way to stop saying I want a boyfriend than just go out and get one. It might be scary, but you’ll demonstrate confidence and self reliance which are both very attractive qualities!

5. Get to Know Them

Before you fall in love with every guy you meet, talk to them and see if they match your list. Look for similarities and differences and see how you get on together. Just because he matches your list verbatim doesn't mean the chemistry is there. It’s important that you know the man himself so you know whether or not you need to readjust your list.

6. Make Friends

The best relationships stem from friendships, so take your time and get to know him as a friend. You can't sit around saying I want a boyfriend but not give yourself any opportunities to meet a boyfriend-even as a friend first. As well as being the perfect base, it also means you’ll be pre-warned about any bad habits, and you’re likely to know about his past relationships.

7. Make Him Feel Comfortable

It can be a nerve racking job asking a girl out, so make him feel comfortable around you. Maybe he's afraid of rejection; if you make him comfortable he'll be able to make a move. Even if nothing happens, you’ll have an amazing guy friend out of it and guy friends are the best!

8. Read the Signs

Think about whether he likes you too. Does he compliment you a lot, spend lots of time with you, flirt occasionally? Or is he really treating you like a best friend? Reading the signs can save you the heartache of un-returned love. Don't make up signs just because you want a boyfriend, make sure the signs are actually there.

9. Be an Amazing Girl!

By being his friend, you risk letting him see your bad points. Counter this by showing him how pretty, bubbly, intelligent and happy you are. Show him who you really are. These positives will surely outweigh the negatives. Double bonus if you can hang out with his guy friends too and they think you're cool.

10. Ask Him out!

If he’s showing all the signs, and you’re feeling it too, then ask him out! Don’t leave it up to him, be a modern girl and take it in your own hands. At least that way you know where you stand and you don't have to spend your time pining over him if he's not interested.

Have you got tips to save yourself from the I want a boyfriend thoughts? Please share with me!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

There's this boy I like and I've known him for like 5 years I know he likes me but he likes this other girl too we talk sometimes and see each other in the hall. I want to ask him out but idk if he really limes me enough to go out please help me

Does anyone know a good flirt platform? I would like to get a boyfriend... :(

This is amazing but what if u really like him but, he barely pays attention to u?:/

Hey well im in 2nd year and im 13 the guy i like is 14 and the year above me. I have his number and we used to text all the time, about 2 weeks ago he text me saying that we havent spoken so its not working and we dont text like we used to. One of my mates is now flirting with him and i dont know how to speakto him incase i get rejected, I still really like hi aswell. Im quite shy when it comes to guys ive never spoken too.please help asap thanks xxx

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