10 Tips on Breaking up without Breaking His Ego

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10 Tips on Breaking up without Breaking His Ego

So you want to break up with him! No matter how sour the relationship has turned there’s no need to hurt his ego in the process. Here are some ways you can call it quitswithout hurting him!

A divorce, separation or, in general, any loss of an important relationship is a painful experience. Such pain can seriously diminish our peace and happiness.

William, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days

1 Say It in Person

How would you feel if he spread news about your break-up on Facebook or just instant messaged you about it? You would hate it not to mention suffer from downright depression. Break-up with him face to face. You owe him that!

No matter what he did, he deserves respect enough for a face-to-face breakup. Don't cop out with a text message...


Frequently asked questions

2 No Guilt Slamming Please!

You may have started to dislike him but while breaking up don’t play the blame game. Avoid bringing up past issues and don’t go on a mud-slinging spree. It just makes things worse!
No Guilt Slamming Please!

3 No Comparisons

If you have found yourself another man in your life the last thing you should do is to compare him with your new guy. Just tell him there is someone else and move on. Don’t dwell on it as it will only rub salt in the wound!

Girls always tell you that it isn’t you, that if they wanted to be with anyone it would be you, it’s just that they aren’t ready for a relationship. And then two weeks later they’re dating someone new.

Jed, Life According to Jed

4 No Abusive Language

You need to break-up with some amount of dignity. Never make the mistake of using abusive language. You will end up regretting it later. Be a lady. Let him remember you as someone he respects.

5 No Middlemen

You may have met each other through a common friend. But there is no reason why you need your friend to convey the news to your man.** **Don’t use intermediaries or even your parents for that matter!
No Middlemen

6 Don’t Get Even

If he has been cheating on you it can be tempting to get even with him. However do not do it - it will just give you a horrible empty feeling when you think about it later. So don’t spread rumours or hang your dirty laundry in public.

Follow the golden rule. Do unto others as you'd like them to do unto you. This is someone you care about very much, or you wouldn't even be attempting a friendship. Treat them like you care.
LMNtal Attraction

7 Don’t Break up on a Holiday!

It can be very hard on him if you break up with him during the holidays. He will just mope around and drive everyone else crazy. Choose a working day so he can keep busy and find other distractions.

8 Don’t do It in Public

Avoid breaking up with him in a public place. Places like shopping complexes and restaurants are a strict no-no. Instead choose a nice and quiet place to talk. It’s an emotional moment and he won’t want to seem weak and vulnerable in a public place.
Don’t do It in Public Pick an appropriate place. Remember, ending a relationship is a humbling experience. Don't do it in a place where the person on the receiving end is going to feel more vulnerable than necessary.

Crid Lee, All About Dating and Romance

9 Your Favourite Locations

Don’t break up at your favourite eating joint. He may not be able to go there again especially if you broke his heart. Choose a neutral setting instead where you both will be comfortable.

10 Be Straightforward - without Being Blunt

You need to lay out the facts but don’t go overboard. Being blunt can hurt his feelings. Just tell him the reasons so he knows why you’re doing it. Leave your verbal dagger at home!

Make sure you say a lot of positive things about the person before you break the news about why you want to break up. Just be sure you don't go overboard on the compliments. He will respond with, "if I'm so amazing, why are you leaving me?"
Faking Good Breeding
Breaking up with someone can be traumatic. Hopefully with these tips the event won’t leave a scar. Remember - leave with your dignity intact and don’t do anything you would regret later!
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