There is no doubt that computers are a wonderful invention. But have you ever had one of those days when you want to throw yours out of the window because of the way it's behaving? Here are 10 reasons why computers drive us mad.
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1. Obsolete
Photo Credit: Rafael Fischmann
Computers are out of date as soon as you've bought them. You can spend $2000 on a top-of-the-range model, and before you've even got it home, the manufacturers have brought out something better. And cheaper.
2. Timing
Let's say you've got an important essay due in, or an urgent deadline. This is precisely when your computer decides to slow down or stop working altogether. It knows!
3. Space
Photo Credit: Tony Mines
Why do they have to be so bulky? I have a laptop, not just for portability, but because I dislike the way that desktops dominate the room, with their need for a large desk.
4. Complicated
Photo Credit: gtvone
Your average user (including me) has a basic idea of how to solve problems and carry out basic maintenance. But it isn't long before you are confronted by a problem that you have no idea how to solve, and the internet is full of conflicting advice.
5. New Systems
Photo Credit: Ludo2Besac
Yes, Microsoft, I mean you. Why do you have to bring out new systems every five minutes? And nobody liked Vista. Bill Gates is evil and must be stopped.
6. Spelling Correction
Photo Credit: marypcb
This is probably a fairly unique problem to me. My computer is Spanish. I am English. It takes it upon itself to correct a lot of my spelling by coming up with the nearest Spanish word. I keep trying to reset the spelling to English, but it doesn't take any notice.
7. Cookies
You're supposed to clean out your cookies to help your computer run smoothly, but then you find yourself having to type in all your passwords that you'd saved. AAAAAAGH.
8. Breakdown
You go to your bank, or to make an application of some kind, book a holiday - but whatever you want to do, you can't, because their computer system is down. Of course, nothing can be done manually these days.
9. Yawn
Photo Credit: solaris45
Why does everything take so long? Even the most basic entry-level machine is pretty powerful, compared to the top computers of a few years ago. So why does it take hours to run a virus check?
10. Rebooting
Why, oh WHY, after installing new software, does it insist that we have to reboot the computer to complete the process? And close other windows while installing? I don't want to have to stop what I'm doing, I want to multi-task!
What drives you mad about your computer? I anticipate a very long list here!
Top Photo Credit: mattroilan2008
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