Just How Many's "Too Many"?


Just How Many's "Too Many"?
Just How Many's "Too Many"?

Here's a thought-provoking article from SpliceToday.com which talks about the "Forbidden Number". The author's referring to the politically correct answer to the million dollar question "How many guys have you been with?"

If you've actually had too many lovers and you tell your partner that you've only been with a few - can that be considered as a form of modesty? ** Or are you actually saving the relationship by not revealing to your current beau **how many men you've slept with in the past?

On the other hand, if you say that you've only been with a handful of men - should your boyfriend or husband be **disappointed **that you don't have a vast sexual experience?

Is it even polite to ask the question anyway???

For me, the appropriate answer to the question depends on the point of your relationship. If you're about to be married, I think that you owe it to your guy to reveal the real 'score' - but only if he asks. If the relationship's fairly new, you can either hedge or be downright honest about the figures.

And what does it matter how many lovers you've been with in the past anyway? Whether it's one or a hundred, what's important is who you are currently with - not how many you were with in the past.

Source: foundphotoslj

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I advise all men to ask themselves these questions before they marry a girl/woman. Would you be ashamed for any member of your family to find out the full details of her sexual history? Would you be ashamed for any of your friends/peers/co-workers to find out the full details of her sexual history? How would you feel about your children knowing the full details of her sexual history? I personally have exprienced all of this. After 15 years of marriage, the truth about my wifes debauched and sexually deviant past caught up with my wife and it spread like wildfire. Now, no one I know can look me in the eye or seem to have any respect for me,including my sons. The nicer ones pity me and the rest joke about it. My only sin was ignorance.

Oh really. What a shallow and short sighted view. There is a little more to it than that. Here is what I advise single men to think about. There is more to it than that. Has she ever had a one night stand and how many, has she ever participated in group sex, has she had multiple sex partners at the same time, frequency: how many partners in a dy/week/month/year, has she performed sex acts while others watched, what type of sex acts has she participated in (oral,anal,double penitration,object insertion), does she have a continuing relationship with someone she had sex with, and the number of other persons out there that know about her sexual history are all considerations as well as the number of partners.

King of Pain is tripping. A persons sexual history is personal and none of their in laws business. It is an intimate thing that if they feel like sharing with you then it should be respected. Why even ask the number? The number is not the important thing. It is that they are disease free, also how they feel about relationships. Are they faithful, are they careful. Maybe ask did they just go home with guys from bars or was it relationships. I hate being asked this question. I was asked earlier tonite and I feel sad about it. I mean, all I want is love in this world and some of us have made bad decisions and have been looking for love in all the wrong places you could say. I don't see a point to reveal my number to anyone and I don't want to count it myself. It's a number I'm not proud of at all, but it doesn't reflect on whether I'm a good person or not or whether I'm faithful or not. If you don't want to be with someone just because they have been involved with many people in their past then you are insecure. It doesn't mean they want or think about those people. It doesn't mean they are players. It might mean that they have been hurt many times or have loved many times. Maybe there was a time as a teenager or young adult when they got high or drank too much and had sex (hopefully with condoms). Maybe they just wanted someone to love. Guys, don't let this number change your view of someone. Don't even ask the question. I mean, you can ask have you been with many people, but accept and respect if the person says they don't want to talk about it. =( If you don't want to be with her based on the number then you are just another guy added to the list. Atleast she didn't settle for someone she knew it wouldn't work with. That's what's important. Everyone should be tested regularly though.

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