Get Rid of Adult Acne ...


Get Rid of Adult Acne ...
Get Rid of Adult Acne ...

Adult acne is definitely an unpleasant thing to have, especially if you are a woman and care about how you look. If you are well above the teen age and suddenly start developing **blackheads** and **blemishes** on your face, which do not want to go away no matter how careful you are about your personal hygiene, read the following facts on what causes adult acne and what you can do to get rid of it.

What makes more than 60 millions of adults in the States (the vast majority of whom are women!) develop middle-age acne, while it is still a rare condition in more traditional societies? The answer is definitely in our industrial lifestyle, bad dietary preferences, and extreme environmental pollution. The basic causes are the following:**1. **Bad diet is number one cause of adult-onset acne. Bad diet, which robs us of essential nutrients and disrupts both digestive ecology and healthy hormonal balance, usually consists of the following:

- overconsumption (more than 100 grams a day) of carbohydrates, especially in the form of processed breads, pastas, sugar, sweets, soda pop, etc., which stimulates insulin production and severely worsens an acne condition;

- giving preference to newfangled vegetable oils, margarines, and trans fats in processed foods, instead of eating traditional animal fats with antimicrobial and hormone-stabilizing properties (coconut and marine oils, natural butter, cultured cream, etc.);

- eating non-organic meats and dairy products, which contain a big amount of residual hormones and other medication that are fed to the cattle on a regular basis. Consumption of such impure products is especially dangerous for women, because female hormones are very sensitive and can easily get out of balance due to foreign synthetic medication in the food. In time, this bad diet manifests as PMS, pregnancy complications, pathological menopause, and adult acne;

- eating mostly “dead”, cooked and processed, foods, which do not provide friendly bacteria for the digestive tract. It’s interesting to note that women who regularly eat natural yogurt, home-made pickles and unpasteurized sauerkraut, rarely suffer from adult acne.

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Hormones, Which, Again, Easily Get out of Balance Due to Inappropriate Food, Stress, Hormone-containing Medication, Birth-control Pills, and Changes Brought by the Monthly Cycle, Menopause and Pregnancy


Genes. Hereditary element can worsen adult acne, especially in severe cases of so-called “scarring acne”


Synthetic face-care products and makeup, which clog the pores and disrupt the acid-alkaline balance of the face skin. Needless to say that, if you want to have a clean skin, you always should opt for natural and preferably home-made creams and other beauty products for your face

What are the solutions?
Change your diet, use the best skin care products, and be patient - your body will need some time to restore the balance and cure your skin. A great natural approach to treating adult acne is described here.

However, if you want immediate results, you can try some of numerous acne medications (which usually just mask the symptoms and which I therefore do not recommend). Top acne treatment products can be found at, while information on homeopathic acne remedies you can find at therapy

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also my face is really shiny for some reason and very oily while the rest of the body is very dry.

I also STILL suffer from adult acne at 40! I do think that diet is most likely the cause of adult acne. I also think environmental issues as well. Such as high humidity, dirty pillow cases and so on.

I'm 28 years old and I started having adult acne last year. I was desperate and I tried just about anything. I spent crazy amount on money on different products and I reached a point where I didn't even want to try anything else because it seemed to only make it worse. Then, I was told by me sister-in-law to use the Clinique products which are doctor recommended (I didn't know that). So, I've bought the 3-step Anti-Blemish products by Clinique and OH MY GOD!!!!! My skin is so soft, my blemishes disappeared and my boyfriend can't stop touching my face and he keeps on telling me how soft my skin is! I definetely recommend to anyone with adult acne to try these products, they will give you your self-confidence back!

-honey -lemon juice -nutmeg -oatmeal - band-aid Instructions 1 apply honey evenly on band-aid 2 sprinkle nutmeg on band-aid 3 put a couple of oats on band-aid 4 put lemon juice on pimple before putting band-aid on affected area 5 leave on over night and clean off with warm water in morning This recipe has been passed through my family for years! It works wonders! Your pimple will be a lot less noticeable or in rare cases might even go away! Hope I helped, Emily <3

I am 22 and my hormones are changing...AGAIN!!!! Trust me I CAN tell. Allways had nice skin. Until...dun dun dun...NOW! Well for about 6 months now, my lovely chin has been coverd with little red spots accompanied by one or two real BIG poppers! I have been a vegetarian for over 6 years. When I went vegan for a year, my skin was magnificat! What I beileve to be some of the issue as of late: MY Hormones - check. Eating way to much cheese and milk - check. Not eating enough veggies and fruit- check. Eating way to many carbs - check. OK soo I've allways been a runner and a dancer, plant trees in Bristish Columbia for a living. Active and healthy, but not eating enough whole raw foods as of late. Such as: Almonds, avacados, spinach, blueberries, strawberries, flax seed oil, leafy green salads, red/orange/yellow peppers, REAL unprocessed protein (know where it comes from and what's in it!!!!) Soooo for the last two weeks - I have been eating this way again + running and hula huping. Also changing my pillow case regularly. Not OVER scubbing the affected area, but dabing clean, mosterizing with NATURAL oatmeal/coccanut based cream. Ooo la laa! My skin is improving! ~~~~~~~~If you do not have dry skin and need a quick fix for a date tonight - warm up some water throw in some salt and apply to the affected area all day - this may help to dry it out (not a long term solution).

There are four important factors that contribute to all acne, teenage and adult. These factors are: hormonal imbalance, retention hyperkeratosis (build up of dead skin cells), inflammation, and Propriani Acnes bacteria. As you age your skin cell turn over cycle slows down, resulting in an excess of dead skin that must be removed in order for the natural sebum to work it's way to the surface of the skin and do it's job- maintain a healthy balance to keep bacterial invaders out of the body. Also as you age your hormone levels can change, and when they do, you can get acne when skin was clear before. It is important to seek the consultation of a professional at the onset of adult acne to control symptoms and minimize scarring.

I have had acne since I was about 13...I'm 22 now. Tried everything, antibiotics, the pill...mine seems to be stress AND hormone related. I'm in the UK and I went to see a dermatologist. All he did was take one look at me and suggest I go onto roaccutaine, which is the one someone was talking about before, causes depression and lots of other things. The negatives outweigh the positives in my opinion. Not sure what else I can do for it now, my Mum suggested laser, so may be something to look into...but I don't see how that's going to stop them coming up? Am always looking for new products/advice to follow. Just hoping it either goes away, or I find something to stop it someday!

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