7 Best Beer Blogs ...


7 Best Beer Blogs ...
7 Best Beer Blogs ...

The Best Beer Blogs are the ideal websites to bookmark if you love this brewed gift from the gods. Whether you are an occasional drinker or you want to embark on an alcohol-related adventure, you will want to read these best beer blogs. These best beer blogs are your guides to all bottles, pints, or cans that might help you have the best of times with your friends.

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Travels with Beer This is one of the best beer blogs today because it combines... well, travels and beer. The owner of this blog is a self-confessed beer aficionado. From the blog: I love beer and I love trav­el­ling and I love trav­el­ling places to drink beer. Sounds like a fantastic life, right? If you want to follow his path (even only vicariously), check out Travels with Beer.


Pencil & Spoon According to this blog, "there is a story at the bottom of this bottle." This is one of the best beer blogs today, no doubt. The fact that it has won several awards is proof, as a matter of fact. On this blog, you will find features on many beer brands and types, pubs, and strange experiences with a glass of beer in hand.

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Drink with the Wench This blog is beautifully designed. This is not enough reason to include it as one of the best beer blogs but it sure helps. The wench who manages this blog "aspires to be the female version of Michael Jackson." That is, she wants to be a "beer evangelist harnessing an affinity for writing to spread the good word of beer all over the world.."


Blogging at World of Beer Well, it can't be more straight to the point as the blog name, can it? This is the blog for beer reviews, beer news, and one beer-enthusiast's opinion on just about anything beer-related. I apologize for the overuse of the word "beer" but really, this drinks deserves this kind of enthusiasm.


Zythophile This is one of the best beer blogs today and other beer bloggers agree. You should bookmark this blog if you are looking for informative and lively discussions on everything beer. If you are interested in the history of the bottle that you're holding right now, Zythophile is the blog for you. This is also a fantastic resource for beer news and whatnot.

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Beer Lens This is more like a photo blog but I'm sure any beer-enthusiast will enjoy Beer Lens. On this blog, you get to take a peek inside pubs and breweries from all over the world. You have photos of beer selections, pub interiors, bottles, cans, taps, and more. The photos are huge so browsing this best beer blog will surely be a delight.


Beer Haiku This blog is no longer updated daily but it's still one of the best beer blogs today. In my opinion, anyway; I love haiku. This blog has gems that are poignant, funny, and yes, wise. Read up and drink up. Looking to have a few bottles with your friends this weekend? This list of best beer blogs can be your guide. Read up to know what beer brands you can try. Hopefully, these best beer blogs will also show you the way to a great pub near you. Do you read some of these best beer blogs?

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Thanks for selecting both of my sites (Travels with Beer and Beer Lens). Glad you liked them!

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